Nut cake with caramelized apples

For this autumn cake choose sweet fragrant apples, because they give the filling the main flavor and aroma.

Egg chicken 4 pieces
Sugar 200g
Wheat flour 70 g
Starch 30 g
Nuts 150g
Butter 150 g
Egg Yolk 2 pieces
Milk 50 ml
Vanilla pod ½ pcs
Calvados 2 tablespoons
Apple 2 pieces
Brown sugar 25 g
Ground cinnamon pinch
Ground ginger pinch
Sugar powder 100 g
Lemon juice 1 tablespoon
Cinnamon sticks 1 piece
Raisins to taste

  1. Cook the biscuit. Whisk yolks and a half of sugar (120 g.) Until thick, almost white mass. Separately whip the squirrels. When the whisk will leave a clear trail, pour the remaining sugar and whisk to a density and gloss.

  2. Mix the spatula with whites and yolks. Pour the sifted flour with the starch, nuts (25 gr.) And mix. Scoop the dough off the edge and lower into the middle of the bowl. Stir gently, but carefully.

  3. Carefully pour in melted butter around the edge. Stir and transfer to the mold. Bake for 30-35 minutes. Cool down.

  4. Cream. For the syrup, mix the yolks with milk, strain, add sugar (80 g.) And vanilla seeds. Put on a small fire, with constant stirring, bring the mass to a boil and cook for 1-2 minutes until thick.

  5. Beat the softened butter (100 gr.) Until lightening. Gradually, on a spoon, add to the oil completely cooled syrup. It is quite thick and should be at the same temperature as the oil. At the end of whipping, pour Calvados (1 tablespoon), add nuts (25 gr.), Whisk yet - and the cream is ready.

  6. Filling. Pour the flour into a dry frying pan and fry, shaking, until creamy and a nutty smell. Leave it.

  7. Cut apples into small pieces. In a frying pan, melt the butter, add sugar, apples, pour the spices and fry over medium heat until apples are cooked and the liquid thickens. Pour in the toasted flour, mix and cool down - the filling is ready.

  8. Assembling. Cut the biscuit into three pieces. Put the apples on the bottom cake, cover with medium cake. Lubricate it with half of the cream, cover with the third cake and apply the remaining cream to the sides.

  9. For glaze, mix all the ingredients very carefully, lightly heat until flowing and pour onto the cake. Distribute the glaze evenly, but be careful, the glaze should not get on the cream (it is warm, and the cream will melt).

  10. Fry nuts for decoration and chop finely. Sprinkle them with the sides of the cake and the top edge, until the glaze is still completely frozen.

  11. For chips, cut the apple across as thin as possible. Cook in the microwave oven for a maximum power of 3-4 minutes (or more, the chips must dry). Sprinkle the chips with cinnamon.

  12. Decorate the cake with raisins, apple chips, cinnamon and nuts (100 gr.).

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