I was traveling in Odikata of old Dhaka. Bike parked in front of the shop shown in Naya Bazar area ...
At first, I went after a few blocks to see what these shops are. It was a smell to go a little closer, that is, these are some of the community centers or wedding leftovers. These are not suitable for eating at all, because the odor of ardorous odor has started to come.
The seller asked, what is the food to eat?
Shopkeeper: Bechi brothers as plates
How much money?
Shopkeeper: okay. 5, 10, 15, 20 as it takes.
I did not talk anymore. When I finished the work, I saw an old uncle on the street in the trolley, selling grapefruit, he came and took a plate leftovers ...
He understands that the food is not good, but still eating. Because there is nothing more like paying stomach at 10 rupees. Another rickshaw came, he also took
Actually people can take people where! Impossible to get out!
If everyone had the least conscience, then these people would not have to eat twenty-five meals. If we conscientiously pay the people who have eaten all these food, then at least they will not have to eat rotten food for the sake of saving them.
Why did I say this?
We bargain when we rickshaw, but I do not think, I went to rickshaws for a rent of 20 rupees, the amount of money and food I used to keep in the rickshaw.
When asked to buy grapefruit, why the grapevine of 10 rupees so low? But if they think that the amount of physical work they burn in the sun burns all day, then such questions will not arise.
But a professional beggar's earning 1 hour earns 100 bucks. That's what we give ...