Baked Cabbage with Browned Butter and Bacon....Yum !


Last night I decided some baked cabbage sounded good, so off to the kitchen I went.

It's very simple to put together.

I first cut my cabbage head into wedges. You can cut them any size you like, you would just need to adjust your baking time if you leave them really big. I had a medium size head and I cut it into 8ths (cut it in half, cut each half in half (ha ha) and then cut each quarter in half again).


I put approximately half of a stick of real butter in a small pot (or maybe more... more is better right?)..... and turned it on to brown while I prepared the baking pan and put the cabbage wedges on it. ( You can use margarine if that is what you have) I cover my pan with foil. That is not mandatory if you like to do lots of pan cleaning afterwards. 😄


After the butter had browned, I drizzled it over the top of the wedges.


THEN..... I draped some bacon over each wedge. For these there is a half slice of bacon on each. (half slice, cut into 2 pieces)


Then into the 450 degree oven they went. I baked them 30 minutes covered in foil, then took off the foil and baked them another 30 minutes. (If you leave your wedges larger you will need more baking time..... however, much more baking time and you may burn your bacon)


OMGoodness..... right ?? Yum-a-YUM-YUM...... !


Ready to dive in ! I couldn't grab a fork fast enough...LOL !


There ! So easy... .right?

It's a Sweet Sunday morning here. Happily Sunny and 50 degrees. Would not be bad if there was not a chilly wind blowing, but that's ok, I'll take it !

Hope you all have a most wonderful Sunday, however you choose to spend it.

Love you !



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