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FOOD REVIEW: Bakpia Aceh [ENG] #03

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Hello Steemian ! Good Night steemian wherever you are. How are you steemian today? Hopefully Healthy always and Always be in the protection of God Almighty. On this blissful day we can meet again this season, I am very happy if you continue to give appreciation and support to my writing and my best work every time the steemian colleagues. Today Friday I would like to be able to share again about my reviews and reviews about food that can spoil your eyes with various jajanan indonesia tour. An amazing thing not a steemian? The opportunity this time @foarsyad was given permission back to be able to share about reviews that can make you happy to see my activities in providing food reviews and snacks that are in my neighborhood. Maybe you are wondering is not it? Intrigued by what will I review today? I will post under the title Bakpia Aceh. Let's just look carefully Steemian?

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Bakpia not only in Yogyakarta. In Aceh you can find bakpia. Uniquely, tourists can come to the bakpia making factory, in the area of Pantai Kasih, Sabang, the owner named Marfin Gunawan or often called A Guan (AG). Bakpianya can be strong about a week. If you do not bother to go to Sabang, you can also find in the city of Banda Aceh. Tourists can go to the grocery stores around the Baiturrahman Great Mosque. Bakpia whose meaning is in the language of Aceh is typical (arafit) which becomes the taste of an extraordinary dish with the contents bakpia or arafit. Bakpia is one of the production cake that barada in aceh pidie sigli indra jaya keulibeut district. especially for villagers keulibeut already a consumer or agent in buying bakpia to be sold again. Many of the agents in the kampong keulibeut or from other kampung areas who buy ucit cakes in small companies in kampung keulibeut. From some of these agents take ucit pie in hundreds of fruit and sell again to the people who are in seputaran aidh pidie market to the inhabitants such as kampung garot, lamlo, keumala, etc. such as kiosks, wholesalers and coffee shops. As for enjoying a typical icy cake aceh while enjoying a cup of coffee while relaxing in coffee shops.

Among tourists, both local and foreign, bakpia cake is one of the most sought after snacks when visiting the most western island of Aceh province, Sabang City. Not many know if the origin of the food is actually derived from the plains of Tionghoa.Bakpia is a food made from a mixture of green beans with sugar, which is wrapped in flour, then baked. The term bakpia itself is derived from the Hokkian dialect, which means cake, which literally means bread containing meat. In some areas of Indonesia, this legit food is known as pia or pia cake. Bakpia is one of the most popular dishes of Chinese or Chinese families. In Sabang, bakpia's most famous bakpia is the brand bakpia AG. As quoted by, bakpia AG emerged from the touch of cold hand Marfin Gunawan (53) or often called A Guan (AG). His owner is a former freight driver was able to boost pamor peanut cake. Origin originated bakpia AG, occurred in 1994. At that time, a green peanut businessman gave him a secret recipe to make green beans cake to Marfin. The entrepreneur himself chose over the profession because he felt his old business was not prospective.Currently, bakpia Sabang already has a well-known name at the national level. Bakpia Sabang cake is also considered much better than bakpia Yogya. #Bakpia is one of Sabang's special foods.

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Bakpia is a food made from a mixture of green beans with sugar, which is wrapped in flour, then baked. According to Big Indonesian Dictionary, bakpia or pastry, round shape rather flat, the outside is easy to crumble, made from flour with green beans contents. Pie cake comes from China or China originally named Tou Luk Pia which means pia cake green beans. Cake pia began berakulturasi with Javanese culture even become a typical food of Yogyakarta today. The materials used to make pia cake include wheat, cooking oil, water, sugar and salt. Pia cake is one type of cake that is baked or baked. Pie cake is a traditional pastry known in the regions of Indonesia. Pie cakes are made from ingredients such as wheat, vegetable oil, refined sugar, water and salt. For the most commonly used is the stuffed green beans. Bakpia comes from China, originally named Tou Luk Pia, which means Kue Pia. Bakpia was first produced in 1948, in Pathok Village, so it is now widely known Bakpia Pathok by the tourists and the public. First traded, bakpia still packed in besek without label and sold in retail, at that time any enthusiasts from bakpia still very little, then then bakpia trade developed by using paperboard packaging and accompanied with sticky label. The 1980s were the beginning of the bakpia's development, as bakpia began to show up with new packaging and used trademarks tailored to the manufacturer's home number. The sale of bakpia 'exploded' and increased rapidly around 1992.

The import of flour can be reduced by utilizing local food. One of the local food that can be used as substitution of wheat flour is tuber for example, cassava. Cassava has a lower glycemic index than wheat flour. The cassava glycemic index is 46, while the glycemic index of wheat flour is 70. Cassava can be used as dietary alternative food for people with diabetes mellitus because it has low glycemic index. In 100 grams of cassava flour contains energy of 363 cal, 1.1 grams protein, 0.5 grams of fat, 88.2 grams of carbohydrates. Cassava flour can be used as raw materials of various types food, such as dried noodles, bread, and cookies that are usually made from wheat flour. Cassava flour can also be used as an ingredient to make bakpia skin. Research on bakpia skin has not been done. One of the research done is making of bakpia skin with bran substitution. The results showed 5% bran substitution favored by panelists. This substitution produces bakpia that is crunchy textured, coated skin and sweet taste. Factors affecting the texture of foodstuffs include the comparison of protein-fat content, protein type, processing temperature and moisture content. Another element of physical properties is color. There are five factors that cause a colorful food ingredient. The five factors are, first, the pigment which is naturally present in plants and animals. Second, the caramelization reaction that arises when the sugar is heated forms a color. Third, dark colors arising from maillard reaction. Fourth, the reaction between organic and air will produce black or dark brown. Fifth, the addition of both natural dyes and synthetic substances, which are included in the class of food additives.

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The government's economic program, the MEA (ASEAN Economic Community), which will be held in 2015 requires industry players, especially small and medium enterprises in Indonesia to be able to compete with industries from other countries. Continuous improvement is a step that a company must take to maintain its existence in the industrial world. Business competition in the ever-evolving industry requires the company to be able to keep up with its growth. In addition, consumer satisfaction both internal consumers and end users is closely related to the accuracy of a company in producing products. In an effort to improve productivity and efficiency of production line, company must know activity that can increase value added (product added) product, good goods and services, and eliminating waste or waste. Therefore a lean approach is needed that focuses on the identification and elimination of non-value added activities in design, production, for manufacturing, or operations, for services and supply chain management that are directly related with customers. 


Margarine or oleo margarine was first created and developed in 1869 by Mege Moories using beef fat. Margarine is a substitute for butter with similar appearance, smell, consistency, taste and nutrition. Margarine is also a water-in-oil emulsion, with requirements containing approximately 80% fat. Margarine is one source of energy with vitamins A, D, E and K and has fewer calories than ordinary butter. Margarine serves to provide tasty flavor, extend shelf life, harden the texture to keep it from melting at room temperature and boost the boiling point to meet the purpose of the covenant. The prominent features of margarine are plastic, solid at room temperature, rather hard at low temperatures, the texture is easily applied and can melt immediately in the mouth. The margarine function in the cake is to keep the cake long lasting, flavor the cake, make the cake feel tender and add nutritional value because it contains essential unsaturated fatty acids and contains oil-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. According to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, the content of margarine contains energy of 720 kilocalories, 0.6 grams of protein, 4.4 grams of carbohydrates, 81 grams of fat, 20 milligrams of calcium, 16 milligrams of phosphorus. Also in margarine also contained vitamin A as much as 2000 IU vitamin B1 0.2 milligram and vitamin C 0.25 milligram The results were obtained from doing research on 100 grams of margarine, with the amount that can be eaten as much as 100%.

Pig Oil

The source of pork oil is fat from pork. The pork is good pink, the fiber is smooth and compact, the fat is clear white and easy to melt when heated. The meat comes from dark pigs, more fat and more coarse fiber. According to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, the fat content of fatty pig fat on a diet of 100 grams contains energy of 630 kilocalories, 9.1 grams of protein, 1.1 grams of carbohydrates, 65 grams of fat, 13 milligrams of calcium, 108 milligrams of phosphorus, and 0.35 milligrams of iron gram. Also in pork fat is also contained vitamin A as much as 0.5 UI, Vitamin B1 0.38 milligrams and vitamin C 0.1 milligram. The addition of lard (beef, pork and lamb) to bread and cakes causes the dough to have good plasticity and high shortening power. Making pork oil by means of pork fat separated from pork, then washed, then cut into small size of approximately 2cm then heated to a temperature of 1000C for 15 minutes and filtered.


Wheat is a processed product of wheat. Without flour, it will not produce a good bakery product. Wheat is flour or fine powder derived from wheat seeds, and is used as a base for baking, noodles, bread and pasta. The word flour in Indonesian is absorbed from the Portuguese trigo which means wheat. Wheat contains protein in the form of gluten, which plays a role in determining the suppleness of food made from wheat. Flour is the main ingredient in bread making. Wheat is processed or ground from Triticum aesticu grain seeds. In wheat flour there are proteins that act to bind or absorb water to form gluten. Gluten serves to hold the CO2 gas produced in the fermentation process. Carbohydrates from wheat flour will also absorb water into a dough with gluten, which in the presence of heat in the oven will form gelatin. Wheat based on protein content is classified into three (3) kinds of hard flour, medium flour, and soft flour. In making pia cake, flour used is medium protein flour (medium flour) which has a protein content of 10-11%. Medium protein flour is a mixture of soft or soft and hard or hard flour, suitable for making pia cake because it does not require dough development.


Sugar is added to certain types of bread (wet bread, dry bread, and pastries) to complement the existing carbohydrates, for fermentation, and to give a sweeter taste. The function of refined sugar is to give a sweet taste to the pia cake. The use of refined sugar as an ingredient in the manufacture of pia cake because the refined sugar has a small particle size that facilitates the spread of sweetness in the dough. The quality of refined sugar used also affects the texture and appearance of the final product. Sugar powder is also called sugar flour is sugar that has been smoothed so that the form of sugar powder. Because of its fine nature, good powdered sugar is used to make cream for cake, sprinkle for cake, or sprinkles for pastry.


The function of salt in the dough making is a savory flavor enhancer, other flavored ingredients, fermentation time control of fermented dough, gluten strength enhancer, skin color regulator and prevents bacteria from occurring in the dough. Understanding salt according in the manufacture of cakes, salt added to the dough is a kitchen salt with chemical name sodium chloride (NaCl). In addition to helping to improve taste, gluten strength enhancer, skin color regulator, salt addition has an effect on helping yeast activity during the fermentation process, its role prevents the formation and growth of unwanted bacteria in bread dough. It is further said that excessive salt use can slow the development of the dough because it can inhibit microbial activity in the fermentation process, in addition to the bark of bread becomes thicker. Used salts generally range from 2-2.5% of the weight of flour.


The main function of water is to hydrate the flour so it can form a good dough. Water will bind to proteins forming gluten structures and with starch forming the structures in the heated time. This water also serves as a solvent of other materials such as salt, sugar, milk powder and so forth. The amount of water added in baking dough will determine the quality of the cake, bread and biscuits produced.

Green Beans

In general, pia cake stuffing is green beans. According to Susanto and Saneto (1994) green beans are one of the popular Leguminosa family plants and are widely consumed in Asian countries, including Indonesia. Some names given to this green beans are Vigna radiata L., Phaseolus radiatus L., Phaseolus aeurus roxb. Nutrition contained in green beans is relatively large, especially protein and carbohydrate content.

Each region has its own special cake then Sabang is one of the archipelago where the starting point zero km of Indonesia beautiful country with panorama under the sea, also has a unique cake one of them is bakpia cake typical sabang, maybe for tourists who ever to Sabang must have tasted it, well for those of you who have not been there, ni admin want for recipes and any ingredients needed to make bakpia bakang typical of this sabang, let's refer to as follows:

Leather Material I:

  1. 250 gr medium protein flour
  2. 50 gr sugar flour
  3. 1/4 teaspoon salt
  4. 40 gr margarine
  5. 20 gr white butter
  6. 80 ml water

Leather Material II:

  1. 125 g medium protein flour
  2. 100 gr margarine
  3. Material contents:
  4. 100 gr peeled green beans, soaked 1 hour
  5. 100 ml of coconut milk, from 1/2 of coconut
  6. 1/4 teaspoon salt
  7. 2 pieces of pandan leaves
  8. 100 gr sugar

How to make:

For the Fill, steam green beans 15 minutes until bloom. Lift. Cook coconut milk, salt, pandan leaves, sugar, and green beans, stirring until smooth. Set aside. Round. For Skin I, mix all ingredients. Knead until smooth. Divide into 20 sections. Set aside. For Leather II, mix well. Divide into 20 sections. Then wrap the dough II in dough II. Milling lengthwise. Fold into 3. Repeat the process 2 more times. Flatten. Put the dough in it. Round shape. Next put on a pan that has been lubricated margarine. Oven with fire under temperature 180 degrees Celsius 15 minutes to half cooked. Back. Oven again with fire below 180 degrees Celsius temperature 5 minutes. Back. Oven again with fire below 180 degrees Celsius temperature 15 minutes until cooked.

Note: For 20 pieces bakpia

Written by: @foarsyad
Indonesia, 16 February 2018   

That's what I can tell in this review about eating you can taste wherever you are. Hope you can be happy with what I will say today. It is just a review so you can feel it with the pleasure you feel. What does Steemian think? Very easy is not How to Make Bakpia Aceh! Hem, it looks very nice is not it? So what are you waiting for Steemian? Let's try how to make good jerky jerky yes, good luck Steemian !

My Writing History on Food:
FOOD REVIEW: Kickshaw Fruit Nutmeg Pypical Aceh [ENG] #01
2. FOOD REVIEW: Dendeng Aceh [ENG] #02 

Thank You I Speak to the Steemit Community of Indonesia Specifically to Curator @aiqabrago and @levycore who has supported me to be able to channel my hobby to my friends Steemian in Indonesia.



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