FYSER - Episode 01: Puritan Irish Stew


I think that most anyone can relate to say that sometimes you see things in stores that make you say "what? why?!?"
That's what this is all about. Companies stalk these items, and for some reason or another, SOMEONE is buying them. That's what FYSER is about. I can't use my words any longer, lets get this started!

Episode 01: Puritan Irish Stew

Good Evening, morning, or afternoon Steemit crew.

I've been ultra excited to start this program, and have never done anything like before so bear with me, I'll get better.

I read a post by the Pope: @jacobtothe the other day reviewing a cider he had tried. We mentioned some of the labels, or things on labels are sometimes ridiculous, and sometimes make you scratch your head. For example - gluten free cider, or "healthy snack" tiny portion chocolate bars, or:Puritan3.jpg

"Oh goooood! They're FAT FREE so I can eat a ton of them!!"

Today's product isn't the least bit guilty of this as you can see in the first photo. Which was also garnished with some homegrown parsley, which on a side note: explained to me why people like parsley. (the homegrown part)

Two directions on the can for eating it up. Stovetop or microwave. In the event of a need to survive, and THAT'S why you're eating this: stovetop or fire is going to warm this.... I was going to write that I bet you could eat this cold so this is what that looks like:


As I write this, I realize why this needs to be video rather than text.
I've finished eating my part of the Irish Stew.


The moment I opened the can, it smelled of canned dog food. I'm not partial in these reviews - wife said the exact same thing.

Here's proof that I ate it:


I ate a small bit more than half of the can. The serving size suggested half the can, so I set that as my minimum. Here's that nutritional info for you if you're looking at it from a calories taken in standpoint. 200 cals for 205g of Irish Stew has some value to it in a survival scenario? Or that it has a two year shelf life?


No apologizing for the sodium, the container doesn't claim to have forty percent less than previous recipes. Likely why it's got the shelf life that it has.

Here's the ingredients. The one that got me and made it really tough to stomach was the "FORMED MEAT" ingredient:

Oh, and this Irish Stew is Made in CANADA eh!
"take that President Trump!"

Here's my thoughts. I paid one Canadian dollar for this can of Puritan Irish Stew. I'm not exactly "satisfied" but the thought of eating much of anything else is obscene. The food was not good. The texture was funky, the smell was worse. I'll go back to what I mentioned earlier. No false advertising here.

I like the approach that they took with the advertising on the label. It could have been part of a complete breakfast. Or: "school safe" because there's no chance of peanuts in it. They didn't even go so far as to dress up the container to try and put a silk hat on a pig. I don't suspect they didn't put a lot of consideration into the idea that Puritan isn't so different from Purina. In fact, I suspect when they realized their labels were so alike the guy was just like "ah, we've come this far"...


I'm still ultra confused about who is buying this on a regular basis? I feel disgusting after eating it. If anyone was more confused than me, it was Rex. He sure was willing to help me with that yummy smelling hound chow.


That's my first review! If there's something else you'd like for me to cover in these reviews, just say so and I'll take it into consideration! As always I long for your interaction. Tell me the post was crap, tell me it changed your life... Just tell me you're more real than that "formed meat" and I'll be thrilled.

If you've got a brand or product that you'd like to see a FYSER on, just say so in the comments!

Thanks for the read.


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