What is HGH?

what is hgh dreambody clinic.jpgHGH is a 191 chain amino acid that we produce naturally in our pituitary glands. As we age, we produce less and less. By injecting HGH it first binds to fat cells and they break down into triglycerides which your body can easily flush out, so you get skinnier. HGH also binds to muscle cells and defies your genetics by allowing you to have more muscle cells. You won't turn into a bodybuilder or anything, but you will find that when you work out that you gain muscle like you did in your 20's. After about 10 minutes of doing that it then gets to the liver and converts to Insulin Like growth Factor 1 (IGF-1). IGF-1 is where all the fountain of youth claims about HGH come from. It repairs all tissue in your body. So you will have bone, muscle, ligaments, tendons, cartilage, organs and everything else being repaired. It speeds up your mitochondria in your cells which allows them to reproduce faster and more efficient. So you end up younger on a cellular level. It also helps you get into REM sleep much easier and faster. So everyone that uses HGH reports that they are sleeping much better from use.
Unfortunately HGH is heavily regulated in the USA because big pharma is so in bed with the FDA. They can’t afford to let you have anything that might make you healthy and lower their profit margins on cholesterol medications and little blue pills.
It is illegal for me to ship so if you want it the way is to come to Mexico and get it from me. US law allows you to return home with up to 50 dose units of medication from treatment you sought abroad and the rest of the world is a 90 day supply. We simply have our doctor write the prescription to match the law. We can max you out at 720IU which is a 1 year supply if doing 2 International Units (IU) per day. Prices and packages at www.dreambody.clinic info@dreambodyclinic.net CALL 424-253-0165

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