The Challenges of Entering an Established Industry

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One of the challenges facing blockchain startups is that you’re often going up against the established giants of the industry. It’s possible to disrupt the paradigm with new technology, but you have to really work hard to overcome peoples’ comfort with the familiar old establishment.

Taking banking for example. MCV-CAP foresees our Blockchain Bank for You (BCB4U) concept appealing to the crypto community enthusiasts who want to leave behind their traditional banks. But our goal goes beyond that. We want to make cryptocurrency accessible as a form of payment for anyone, anywhere. So how do we convince the crypto-curious to come onboard?

Banking, at least, is one industry where while people may feel committed to their bank for convenience’s sake, they may not feel a lot of loyalty. Most people who you ask don’t actually like their traditional banking provider. High fees, bad customer service, and limited business hours are common frustrations. So why does anyone stay with their bank?

Maybe it’s out a sense of tradition – this was their parents’ bank and their grandparents’ bank, their family has always banked here. Maybe it’s convenience, because there’s a location close to their work or home. Or maybe it’s the sense that it doesn’t matter, banks are all the same and you’re not going to be treated any better at a different company.

MCV-CAP is ready to change that. It’s time for banking to join the 21st century, with the blockchain technology and the convenience of online banking. Manage all of your assets, crypto and fiat, from a convenient online portal or mobile app. Use your debit card at any ATM, anywhere, for easy access to your funds on the go.

Many banks today snare users with the promise of loyalty rewards. The lure of cashback and discounts is hard to ignore when you’re trying to balance a budget. We recognize that, which is why we partnered with etoxx to offer BCB4U customers our own loyalty program. Get cashback, discounts, and rewards from an extensive network of retailers.

Cryptocurrency is never going to gain widespread acceptance if it can’t be used to make purchases and pay bills. You need a crypto-friendly bank for that. MCV-CAP is that bank.

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