Movie Stakeout Reviews 22/11/19-28/11/19

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All the latest Movieland investigations detective Joey Arizona, detective Japowski is currently deep, deep undercover. Well the case of the Christmas Crime Circus won't solve itself.

The Arizona Case Files
Dead Like Me: Live After Death (2009)
Continuation of the cancelled TV show about a group of grim reapers trying meet quotas, help the unfortunate pass over, all while trying to live a 'normal' life.
Dead Like Me was a great show, one which developed enough of a cult following to make a TV movie viable. Unfortunately while it does attempt to tie-up a few of the loose ends it does also just play out like an extended episode, which had there been more movies after this would have been fine.
Rewatch: 2.5 Doughnuts

Dead Like Me Life After Death.jpg

The Arizona Case Files
The Babysitter (2017
A young boy too old for a sitter stays up in order find out what happens when usually goes to sleep, and finding out she commits ritual sacrifices.
Fun horror comedy from the man who brought us Charlie's Angel's and Terminator: Salvation. Blood, chuckles and some serious property damage.
Rewatch: 3 Doughnuts

The Arizona Case Files
Here Come The Munsters (1995)
The Munsters arrive in America to Herman's brother-in-law has disappeared and a conservative politician is rising to power. Could the two be connected?
Fun TV movie featuring some classic, if recast, TV characters in an a more enjoyable adventure than the movie outings of the original cast (who also cameo here).
Rewatch: 2.5 Doughnut

Have you seen any of the movies under investigation? What's the verdict? Let us know in the comments below.

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