Movie Stakeout Reviews 18/01/19-24/01/19

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All the recent suspects investigated by Movieland detectives Dick Japowski and Joey Arizona

The Many Views of Detective Dick Japowski
Celtic Pride (1996)
Dan Aykroyd and Daniel Stern star as two passionate Boston Celtics fans. When the star of the opposing team threatens their chance of title glory, they hatch a plan to get him to drunk to play, but instead end up kidnapping and hanging out with him.
Sporadically hilarious with Damon Wayans being on good form as the egotistical basketball player and the two Dan's being in over their heads. A nice pleasant surprise.
First watch: 3 doughnuts

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The Arizona Case Files
Cop Out (2010)
Kevin Smith gets hired to direct a buddy cop movie because a faceless suit once saw Clerks and thought the script for the latest Bruce Willis vehicle was just as funny...wrong. There are a few chuckles to be had but it's not the usual quality of Smith's movies and there's a serious like of chemistry between Willis and Tracy Morgan.
First watch: 2 Doughnuts

The Arizona Case Files
Sing (2016)
Theatre owner Buster Moon has never had a hit, and decides a singing contest is the money-spinner he needs.
It's basically X-factor with Animals, plenty of sob stories, future stars that just need that one shot and jazzed up karaoke to be found, and just like X-factor it's entertaining at the time, but largely forgettable.
First watch: 3 Doughnuts


The Many Views of Detective Dick Japowski
The Sisters Brothers (2018)
Once in a wolf moon a movie will come along that feels so perfect for you it hurts.
This is the case for me with the Sisters brothers. A man who claims he has the secrets of alchemy, becomes the focus of desire for Jake Gylennhaal and the brothers sister played by Joaquin Phoenix and John C Reilly are also in pursuit.
The effortless acting and banter keeps this movie rolling like a runaway handcart and is already a contender for end of the year lists. Yee and haw!
First watch: 5 doughnuts

The Arizona Case Files
Hard Rain (1998)
Christian Slater's in charge of an armoured car, Morgan Freeman and his posse want to rob it, meanwhile the entire town is floating and the dam could go at any moment. Part action flick, part disaster movie, all classic 90's movie.
First watch: 4 Doughnuts

Have you watched any of the movies we've investigated? Guilty or Innocent? Let us know in the comments below.

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