Bureau Rats - Season 2 - Episode 1


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Bureau Rats

Season 2

Episode 1

Scene 1

Katia and Tommy are at an affordable and surprisingly decent hotel a few miles from the extortion-funded prison that holds Kai E. Rupps, aka White Hat. They’re getting ready to go on the rescue mission for White Hat.

Tommy: It all sounds so easy on paper.

Katia: There will be a curve ball. There always is.

Cobra: I’m doing most of the difficult stuff. It should be easy for you two. Well, the actual prison break, anyway.

Katia: What do you mean by that?

Cobra: Well, you’ll have to make a life and remain invisible for the rest of your lives.

Tommy: I thought you said you could erase the surveillance feeds?

Cobra: I can and will, but they’ll still hunt Kai. You’ll be fine, though, Tommy. Don’t worry.

Tommy (frown): Very comforting.

Katia: What about our identity cards? You have all that changed in BORE’s systems?

Cobra: Yes, but Kai will still be physically the same and can be identified by sight.

Tommy and Katia start looking through their backpacks to double-check everything.

Katia: Gloves, flashlights, ghost phones, pliers, passports, flask…

Cobra: Flask? I didn’t tell you to get a flask.

Katia: I added it to the list.

Tommy: I have the cars and license plates ready. Cobra, you have all the information matching in the BORE, right?

Cobra: Should be fine.

Tommy: Not the confident answer I was hoping for.

Cobra: I can help steer them away from you. Don’t worry. Are you two ready? It’s almost midnight.

Tommy and Katia look at each other for a moment, then nod slowly in affirmation.
Katia: Yeah, let’s do this.

Scene 2

Twenty minutes later, Katia and Tommy are just shy of the prison entrance. They’re on a desolate two lane highway. Tommy is driving them in a fairly new Honda Civic, which is more comfortable than expected, but slightly lacking in the punch he was hoping for.

Tommy: I’m starting to think this is not a good car for a getaway after a prison break.

Katia: A little late now.

Tommy: Cobra, we’re almost there. Why are the lights still on?

Cobra: I’m working on it.

Tommy: Work faster.

Cobra: The drone just arrived and is sedating the staff. They should be out for at least 20 minutes.

Katia: That’s it?

The glow from the prison complex suddenly vanishes.

Tommy: That’s our cue.

Tommy accelerates into the main entrance and makes a hard left.

Cobra: Wrong way.

Tommy: What? You’re the one giving the directions on the phone!

Cobra: You have it upside down.

Tommy flips phone over, sighs deeply, makes hasty u-turn.

Cobra: Another thousand feet, stop and get out of the car.

A bullet hits just shy of the Honda. Tommy and Katia scream.

Tommy: I thought you had them sedated!

Cobra: I guess I missed one. Sorry.

Another bullet hits the pavement.

Tommy: I’m not getting out of the car yet!

Cobra: Ok...hold on….ok, he’s down.

Katia and Tommy get out of the car and race towards a gate at the first security barrier. Tommy tries to open the gate, but it’s still locked.
Tommy: Gate’s still locked, Cobra.

Cobra: Be patient.

Katia: There are times to be patient, but in the midst of a prison break is not one of them.

Cobra: I disagree.

Tommy (sweaty, annoyed): Maybe not the time for this discussion.

The gate clicks.

Cobra: Try it again.

Tommy opens the gate and they rush towards the next barrier.

Cobra: The next one is a little trickier.

Katia: I thought you had all this worked out.

Cobra: In theory.

Katia: What’s tricky about it?

Cobra: It’s biometric. I’ll have to fool the door into thinking that your fingerprint is actually the security guard’s. Go ahead and put your thumb on the reader, Tommy.

Tommy: Wouldn’t it be easier if we just put the security guard’s thumb on it?

Cobra: Did you look at him?

Tommy and Katia look around and see an overweight security guard passed out on the ground.

Tommy: He’s gotta weigh well over 300 pounds.

Cobra: You can try and drag him if you think that’s easier. I think I’ve almost got it anyway.

Katia: We’ll wait. It’s fine.

Cobra: There, got it! Give it a try.

Tommy opens the door and they see two more security guards on the floor.

Cobra: Go to the desk and get the key for cell 33X.

Katia and Tommy open a large desk drawer and search frantically for key 33X.

Katia: Got it!

Tommy: Let’s move.

Cobra: Turn right down the corridor, then take the stairs up to the third floor.
Tommy and Katia start running.

Tommy: How are we doing on time?

Cobra: Thirteen minutes left.

After running up the stairs and making a couple of turns, they come to cell 33X. A prisoner stares out at them with desperate and curious eyes.

Katia: That’s not Kai.

Prisoner: No, I’m not Kai.

Tommy: Care to explain, Cobra?

Cobra: Hmmm, I can theorize.

Katia (to prisoner): Do you know where Kai is?

Prisoner: Maybe. If you know how to open that door.

Katia: What are you in for?

Prisoner: Tax evasion.

Tommy: He doesn’t know where Kai is. He’s just desperate.

Cobra: Perhaps they changed his cell today and haven’t updated the systems yet.

Katia: So how do we find him?

Cobra: You have less than ten minutes. I’m flying the drone around and trying to find him. You two should walk around and start looking.

Tommy: Let’s split up, that way we can cover twice the ground.

Katia and Tommy split up, start walking down corridors, and calling out Kai’s name. After a couple minutes, Cobra announces that it’s found Kai.

Cobra: I got him! Go get the key for 101K.

Katia and Tommy race back to the desk, grab the key for 101K, and then sprint to 101K on the first floor.

Katia: Kai! Wake up!

Kai (groggy, peers out of his cell): Katia? Tommy?

Tommy gets the door open. Kai jumps up and runs to Katia.

Katia: Come on!

Kai: What, no romantic prison break kiss?

Cobra: You have less than five minutes.

They get out of the building and through the outer security barrier. They approach the Honda Civic.

Kai: You brought a Honda Civic to a high security prison break?

Katia: All the trouble we go through to set you free, and all you can do is complain about the getaway car?

Cobra: A couple of the guards are starting to wake up.

They get in the Honda and speed away.

Tommy: Aw, crap! I still have the cell key in my pocket!

Kai: Keep it as a souvenir.

Tommy: Guess I don’t have much choice.

Kai: So what’s the plan?

Katia: We run far away and start a new life.

Tommy: And I go back to my old life and hope that Cobra did a thorough enough job of covering our tracks. We have another car with clean plates not far from here. We’ll split up there.

Kai: Cobra, were you able to conceal my financial records?

Cobra: Your funds are secure, but I can’t change the bank’s internal records. It’s outside of BORE’s systems. All I could do is hide your assets from BORE.

Kai: So I’ll have to cash out.

Katia (confused): What are you talking about?

Kai: My retirement funds. BORE didn’t get to them, but I can’t do any electronic transactions in my name or change my name at the financial institution. So if I want my retirement money, I’ll have to cash out in person.

Tommy: That could be a problem.

Katia: We can start over. It’s not worth the risk.

Kai: I have over a million dollars in that account.

Katia: Maybe it is worth the risk. Where is the account?

Kai: Andorra.

Katia: Where the hell is that?
Kai: Between France and Spain.

Tommy: I hear the Pyrenees are lovely this time of year.

Kai: Cobra, I’m gonna need your help.

Cobra: I’ll consider it. Bur first, let’s finish this prison break, ok?

Tommy floors it and the Honda speeds toward the future.

Kai: This thing is faster than it looks.

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