FILLER (Part 0)

It's a new year, so you know what that means! Tons of stories to tell, with so little time to write them. With the cryptos down, I'm fortunate that other financial ventures have been buzzing for me. On the plus side, I'm earning enough money to put food on our plate, but the down side of that is that I have very little time for my writing.

With PortmanTuesdays officially on a hiatus, there's a void to fill in this blog. So, what better way to fill it with than...


You read that right folks! After going on a 1-year hiatus of my own from writing stories that span for more than one part, I'm making a triumphant return!

Don't call it a comeback

Alas, unlike A Day in the Clouds and my other serials, I won't be able to promise a strict post schedule, but I will try to post as regularly as I can. Also, I hope you didn't get your hopes up about this being a whole book. Think of it as a mini-series of sorts. A warm up, if you will, to help me shake off some rust.

I love experimenting with how I write, so this will feel different than what you've seen from me in the past. Or, it'll feel exactly the same. To know the correct answer, you would have to read this new series, of course!

This was a story I conceptualized back in 2017 and have been writing on and off just last year. I was supposed to post this exactly a year ago, but I wasn't happy with what I had, so I completely rehashed it.

Today's Golden Globe Awards kicks off the award season for the entertainment industry, so I think this is a timely tale to tell. I don't want to give too much away, but this story revolves around that theme. I wanted to write a story that revolved around a group of people that would've otherwise gone unnoticed and fill in the gap between my posts.

So, it just clicked!

Everything fell into place!

This is a story about nobodies, and the human condition. This is a story about perspectives and what it means to be the words between the lines. This is about nothing and everything.

This is FILLER.

Original image was grabbed from here

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