Challenge #04318-K300: Gifts For the Faekindred


While the wizard, the kobold, and the dragon that was disguised as a gnome slept, the small beings crept from the bushes nearby. Tiny needles flashed like swords, only to begin sewing up tears in clothing, in blankets, in pillows, anything that was damaged. Then, a gentle pet to the cat, they scurried away as dawn rose. Following to do this again, for the kindness of strangers. -- Anon Guest

They come creeping in the night to do good deeds, without thanks or merit granted. They assist hard workers, good souls, and those who try their best. They're small, and live to remain unobserved. Those who recognise their passing leave little gifts.

Fresh milk. Honey. Handicrafts of skill and beauty. Spices if they're available. Sometimes, if there's nothing else, verbal thanks. It's always a good idea to be grateful if you think the Brauniin have helped you. Ingratitude is often repaid with misfortune.

They prefer settled places, but sometimes, on rare occasions, they follow wanderers. Like these three. Four if you count the cat.

One Dragon. One Dragonkindred. One Elf so ancient that they weren't a member of any classification of Elvenkind. All taking their long rest by the dying embers of their campfire. All around in the dim light, the Brauniin came out of hiding.

Quieter than mice. Faster than ziplizards. More skilled than the most skilled artisan. The small tribe of Brauniin charged to their destination. Everything ripped was mended. Everything stained was cleaned. Everything left in a heap was put to order. Firewood found and stacked. The dregs of the stew shared amongst the tribe, and the very pot cleaned to a near mirror shine.

They even combed the burrs out of Lilbit's coat.

All so these heroes could have a slightly easier day ahead. Which they did.

It would have been easy for a Wizard to create something with magic. Easy is disrespectful. It would have been simple for a Dragon like Bibrid to manifest something. Simple is arrogance.

So they worked with their hands. They took their time. They used what they could find and applied their skills. And made small garments of thistledown and cattail wool, of feathers and leaves, and spiderwebs fortified with careful magic.

Gratitude has many forms, but this one was a complete circle.

[Photo by M Alazia on Unsplash]

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