Challenge #03534-I246: Heavier Than You Think


A young heir is about to be crowned ruler of their homeland. They ask their people to please bring Wraithvine to the palace, to please advise them on how they should rule. They love their homelands, and their people, and they're afraid of making a mistake that might hurt the ones they love. -- Anon Guest

Father hadn't meant to turn himself into a King. He had been quite content to remain Earl of Whitekeep, but... fate and prophecy and his own nature intervened. He had insisted on reigning from the Blood Throne and only using the Demon's Diadem as personal decoration.

After all, he insisted, everybody knew who he was.

But now that Prince Kormwind Arachis Felbourne Whitekeep, tenth of the name[1] lit the throne and a coronation to King was in order, he had... doubts. Papa Kosh was only too happy to retire into being the Baronet of Arachis, and only had a few words of advice. "Go forth in all your beliefs and prove that I am not mistaken in mine."

This lead to a conflict between what-would-Papa-do, what-the-lords-wish, and what's-actually-good-for-everyone.

There was only one thing to do.

Get a really good advisor.

He didn't trust this task to scribes, and spent a long night drafting a formal and polite invitation. One written to a legendary figure who always came for the bad ones, and left a rebuilding realm in hir wake. The letter began, Most honoured and wise sage of the ages Wraithvine... and spent a lot of words on the philosophy, I am young, I have come to a lot of power, and I'm terrified. HELP!

It did not help that, when Kormwind X gained his crown, his father kissed his forehead and whispered, "Don't worry. You've got this."

The Blood Throne may judge him worthy, but Kormwind X felt like he did not belong on that ancestral chair.

Wraithvine arrived after some months of careful rule and a nervous stomach. Kormwind X was so glad to see hir that he almost lifted hir up in a hug.

"It's not often that I get such a polite invitation," said Wraithvine after what was probably a too-familiar handshake. "Most rulers send guards to drag me to their courts."

"They sound like the rulers you don't want to know," opined Kormwind X. "I find myself in command of a kingdom far too soon for my liking. I'm terrified of getting it wrong. What if I destroy everything? What if I accidentally betray my people because someone was whispering poison into my ear? What if I become a warlord?"

Wraithvine chuckled. "You're already a good king. A good king fears these things, and surrounds himself with great advisors and people willing to argue with him."

Kormwind X thought of the former-Barons turned Archdukes and Dukes. "I have plenty of people willing to argue with me. Mostly for what they want, not what their people want."

"And you don't always bow to that pressure?"

"I try to look at all the facts. But what if some facts are kept from me? How can I be certain of the truth? How can I be certain that what I'm doing is good for everyone?"

"You could let everyone have a say?"

Kormwind X tried to imagine a council hall big enough to fit the entire kingdom. He was lucky his brain didn't catch fire.

"Not a council hall, your highness." Wraithvine diplomatically ignored Kormwind X's flinch at the honourific. "A system of elections. Tell me, have you heard the term referendum and initiative?"

"No," said the second Demon King of the Mountains. "Please. Tell me everything."

[1] His father always apologised about that.

[Image (c) Can Stock Photo / nikolaich]

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