Challenge #02650-G093: Graduation Epiphany

"Even when it makes you feel lost and confused; every good soldier, officer, teacher, or parent dreams of seeing the day they aren't needed anymore." -- SilverRey

Every little bird flies from its nest. -- Elven saying.

Marvin hadn't noticed when Lady Anthe and Wraithvine left. They didn't bid him a farewell. He had just been busy with Steelfoot and improving the lives of the people in Lower Petraine. Marvin realised they were gone when he had finished making a home for himself and Steelfoot and some of the orphans they had both adopted in the process.

His friends weren't there.

They hadn't been there for some time. Months, perhaps. Lady Anthe and Wraithvine had essentially left him to his own devices and left a note in safekeeping for the day he missed them.

It was addressed to Marvin Trueheart. He'd never told them that name, but somehow they'd divined it.

Our dearest Marvin, they had written.

If you are reading this, then you've noticed we have gone on from your adventures to have more of our own. We certainly hope it has been some time between our leaving and your missing our presence. You may be angry at us for leaving you thus, but you don't need us any more.

"Lies," he whispered reflexively. "Of course I need you."

That is to say, you no longer need us to teach you. We have watched you over these past few weeks. Seen how capably you've lead others in rebuilding the town that your actions, your choices have saved. We knew, mere days in, that this was your new home.

Steelfoot had found him, and wiped a tear from his face. "It's all right," she soothed. "They haven't abandoned you."

"Says exactly that," said Marvin, pointing at the next paragraph.

Never for one instant believe we have abandoned you. We have not done so. You are a man grown, and entitled to the life you have made here. Lower Petraine needs you more than you need us. We would be useless here. Therefore we have gone onwards, looking for other lost souls to guide.

Damn his eyes for stinging. Damn his heart for breaking.

We still love you, Marvin. Always remember that we still love you. We will return to visit and introduce you to our next students in this ragged path called life. We will show them how we can help them become greater than they think they are. As you have become greater than you know.

He would watch for them, Marvin decided. Set up a system to alert the town of approaching travellers, and prepare to greet them accordingly. When they came, and they promised they would come, he would greet them as friends or family or both at once.

Every parent, every teacher knows the day will come when their child or student no longer needs them. When the child that was becomes an adult grown. When the little and helpless has become strong and capable and independent. When they are ready, like you are ready, to face the world without any help beyond that which they know how to request.

That day came a year before we were ready to bid you farewell. You were ready and beyond ready to do this. It is sad to leave, of course it is. We already miss you as much as you miss us now. We must take heart, as you take heart, in going onwards to help those around us.

Simply go forward in all your beliefs, and thereby prove we are not mistaken in ours.

They had signed it with all their love.

"They'll be back," he told Steelfoot, in his home and heart known as Kyanith Vassalir. On peaceful evenings by the fireside, when he was feeling brave, he would sometimes call her sweetheart. "They can't resist checking up on you. On us."

A deep breath shuddered in and out of his lungs. "I know," he said. "I feel like an ass because I didn't even notice they'd--"

Steelfoot kissed his cheek. "You didn't need them and they couldn't overstay any other kind of welcome. We know them. They don't like feeling useless. They're being useful elsewhere." She ran her fingers through his hair, soothing him. "If they'd said goodbye, you'd have tried to stop them and made them miserable."

"I wasn't ready to let them leave. I'm still not ready."

"You've been ready for ages," scoffed Steelfoot. "They're coming back. We know this. When they come back? They might be able to meet our baby."

"The children," corrected Marvin. "All those kids who don't have other homes."

Steelfoot rolled her eyes. "Them too. I mean there'll likely be one more by the time they get back here."

They had always joked that it took him some time to put things together, but this time, he caught the implication. "You mean we're... we've made a little family?"

"A work in progress," said Steelfoot. "Like all works in progress, it remains to be seen."

This cheered him up immensely. He could just envision proudly parading a very small human in front of Lady Anthe and Wraithvine alike and crowing, See what you miss out on when you leave me on my own? See what you made us do?

He would, he decided, be properly proud of their new student when he met them. That, too, would remain to be seen.

[Image (c) Can Stock Photo / zoooom]

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