In more than one study, cigarette-Smoke contains about 100 very harmful chemicals. Of these 70 direct liability for cancer.
Smoke is harmful to health, all of it know. Although there is a large number of cigarette packaging and warnings on each cigarette packet, none of the smokers faces it. You are not smoking, but someone is smoking with you, danger! Because, the effect of passive smoking is also very harmful. And this indirect smoking makes the children sick.
In more than one study, cigarette-bidi smoke contains about 100 very harmful chemicals. Of these 70 direct liability for cancer. If pregnant women have a tendency to smoke, the fetus embryo is terribly damaged. Even if a pregnant woman smokes in front of her or her other side, she still has the risk of physical harm. You are not smoking, but cigarette burns, there is also a danger of loss in this case. Because, the smoke is mixed with the direct air. And when the air enters the body with the scent (side stream), the airway and the lungs are damaged.
The children breathe very fast. Moreover, children are also very small in the airways. As a result of the smoking cigarette smoke, children's trachea and lungs are severely damaged. Shedding, chronic bronchitis, asthma and pneumoniae increased risk among small children.
Children who are less than one year old, have to be more careful. Because, the mother, father or other members of the house may increase the risk of 'sudden infant death syndrome' (SIDS) risk among children by smoking inappropriately. It has been found in the survey that, in those cases, female feticide is 58% more than infertility. In the same way smoking in front of or near a baby shower increases the fear of 'premature death'. So careful use is very important.