Murmurs And Cries - An Original Poem And Family Commentary - Enjoy with Troy!

Murmurs And Cries

Here I contemplate the why
Of weighted baggage you and I
Voices raised and tempers too.
Smell of stench, and what to do?

Like a shoe that's ripped and worn
Sore and weathered, face forlorn
Without life to run or walk
Jaded words is how we talk.

Tired trapped in hurt and tears
A prisoner of our guilt and fears.
With each year the burden grows
In our face and life it shows.

Children trapped in cutting words
Mom and dad in anger heard.
Chaos mounts. Oh what to do?
Families that need me and you.



Prey and profit comes to play
CPS is on their way
Staling, stealing spreading lies
Turning smiles to tearful eyes.

Homeless, helpless is the plan
Bonus buck and sell to scam
Shatter, scattered, slaughtered child
Wasted in a wicked world so wild.

Spiral spinning foster home
To streets and prison all alone
Trafficked sex, oh hear them cry
To the free to die.

Lawyers, judges paid off well
Parent's life is living hell
Savings spent all in vain
Bank accounts go down the drain.

Why must family's fall demise?
Murmurs mount fast into cries
Prevent, preserve, protect each one
Mom, dad, daughter son.

Weak and worn they need a friend
Kidnapped lives, the theft must end.
It all begins with you and me
Together we can set them free,

What was that? Did you hear that sound? A murmur from a family struggling. They need our help. Can you hear the emotions and voices? The sharp jaded words and pointed jabs. But wait. I sense apathy. and helpless children are stuck in the middle of this. Yes, they need a friend. How can we help them through their conflict resolution? How can we help them stay strong as a close knit family? How can we be a friend?

Without our help, the murmurs grow and apathy will destroy loving families.

But wait. The murmurs are growing louder... and changing into cries. But why? Why are these tears and pain being ignored? Where are they coming from? Oh my God. it is the CPS. They are breaking up families and stealing children to sell for profit. Caseworkers are being incentivized with quotas and bonuses to break up families and stalk and steal babies. OMG! But how are they doing it and why do we allow it?

Through intimidation, manipulation and outright lies, the CPS documents their fake lies and destroy families. An unwelcomed phone call or a knock at the door preludes the attack on the innocent. A surprise inspection often follows. Then there is the actual physical theft from the home, and maybe... the supervised visits. So you decide to pour your life savings into a lawyer and court system that is paid off and morally compromised. And you are left with nothing.

I misspoke. You may not have each other anymore, but you are left with something. A pile of psychological baggage and litter takes the place of your child or your parents. Guilt, helplessness, hopelessness, depression, desperation, anger, abandonment, fear, failure, numbness, tears, trauma, and even the thought of suicide may enter these innocent lives. There is the repetition of scenes that play out in the mind...and the felling of death without a physical death.

And there are the angry voices and hurtful hands of abuse
from strangers upon your sweet children.

For the child it is a spiral downward. Once the CPS enters the lives of the innocent, children are shuffled from foster home to home, to becoming runaways on the streets, or being sold into sex trafficking and pedophilia, or to prisons... and even the grave.

Without us hearing those cries and bringing freedom to families,
these young ones only find freedom though death.
If only we had heard those murmurs early on.
If only we had protected them from the child stealing CPS.

But wait! We can still save these families. Together, we can preserve, protect and prevent child theft and the destruction of the family. When we are a friend to the helpless child or hurting mother, we shelter their innocence and become their voice. When we throw away apathy and listen to their hearts, we are helping them. When we educate others of the danger of the CPS and child theft, we are protecting their freedom. Will you join me and others...will you be their friend?

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