People we share out life with

Life is just not about us, our life happens with all those people around us. Some times I think if I would be living all by myself alone, my life would be so simple, absolutely no hassles and at the same time loneliness. So between loneliness and all the responsibilities of family what would I choose. Obviously family because that's what brings meaning to my life. Else life would be so meaningless and probably so monotonous also, just me and myself. I do love that just me and myself but not living that way all my life.

At the same time it is so important the type of people we have to live with. If they are not loving and cordial then life can become miserable and in such a case it would be best to live alone. So many relations we have in our life and each one has a meaning to it. My relationship with my sister, mother, son, hubby each one of them is special in it's own way. All of these people in my life bring love to me and at times some difficult lessons also. When they bring difficult lessons to me, I feel I would be best alone, but then with that there would be no growth for me at soul level.


It's all planned even before we are born, where we will be born, who all will be our family and what lessons we will have from them, it's all a part of the soul's growth journey. So shying away from it is no way to live life. Some times I feel that in this life time I have come with a mix of both, which is to spend a lot of time in loneliness and also to serve my family. Spending time in loneliness also is a lesson for our soul, we select that to spend more time in reflections, to find out our true nature.

My Son and hubby are my closest and we give ups and downs to each other with our action but yet would I want it any other way, if that is the question then my answer is No. I would want them only with all their strengths and weaknesses because that's what makes me who I am in this life time. My lessons are to learn along with them and not without them, and I believe this applies to all of us. People who complain about life, I always tell them, that what they are living is exactly what's meant to happen. Only thing they need to understand from the people in their life and situations happening to them is what is life trying to teach me from this?

Thank you for visiting my blog. πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸŒΉπŸŒΊπŸŒΈ



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