Queen Aji Bidara White

Muara Kaman District is located on the banks of the Mahakam river. The distance is quite far from the city of Samarinda. The village state consists of simple board houses. In this region circulated a legend story that is very well known by the population. The story of a beautiful queen with her giant centipede.

Formerly when the land of Muara Kaman was ruled by a queen named Ratu Aji Bidara Putih. Queen Aji Bidara Puthi is a beautiful girl. Anggun personal and appearance and very wise. All the advantages that make it famous to everywhere; even to foreign countries. The Queen is really like a beautiful flower, fragrant perfume. So it is not surprising then then many kings, princes and nobles who want to marry as a wife.

Pinangan by pinangan flowing like the water of the Mahakam river that never stopped flowing. But the Queen always refused. "It's not my time to think about marriage. Myself and my attention are still needed by the people I love. I still want to continue to advance this country, "he said.

Then one day a big junk or ship came from China. The ship is navigating the vast Mahakam rhino like the ocean. Headed upstream. Until finally docked not far from the port of Muara Kaman.

Locals thought the passenger of the ship came to trade. Because at that time it was common for foreign ships to come and stop by to trade. However, the passenger of the ship had another purpose.
The ship is actually a ship belonging to a prince who is famous for his wealth in China. He was accompanied by an army of mighty warriors and very proficient in martial arts. His arrival to Muara Kaman was solely for one purpose. Not willing to trade, but want to marry Queen Aji White Bidara !.

Then came the messengers of the Prince. They are facing the Queen AJi Bidara Putih in the country palace. They carry antiques from gold, and famous Chinese ceramics. All that they dedicate as a gift to Queen Aji Bidara Putih from their lord. While doing so they convey the Prince's proposal against Queen Aji Bidara Putih.

This time the Queen did not immediately refuse. He said that he would still think of the Prince's proposal. Then he sent messengers back to the ship. After the messengers leave the palace, the Queen calls a retainer of her faith.

"Uncle," he said, "the messengers felt very flattering to his lord. That the prince was handsome, rich and mighty. I'm curious, if it's all right or just boasting. For that I need your help. "
"What should I do, my lord?" Asked the punggawa. "Late last night make sure you sneak quietly onto the alien ship. Investigate the prince's situation. Then report the results to me. "

"Right, my lord. Your command will I do as well as possible. "When the night blanket descended to earth, the courtier set out to carry out his lord's orders. With his skill he crossed the river silently. Then he jumped onto the deserted deck of the ship. With a vigilant gesture he avoided the guards. Carefully he looked for the prince's booth. Until he finally found it.

The exquisite door of the cubicle was tightly closed. But the circumstances in it are still bright, the sign of the prince has not slept. The punggawa looks for a gap to peek inside, but does not find. Then finally he could only put his ear to the cubicle wall, listening to the voices from the inside.

At that moment the Prince of China was actually eating with chopsticks, occasionally sipping wine from the cup. The sound of the decap and sipping his mouth surprised the sipunggawa. "Gosh .. sound when the grave reminds me to ... to what, huh?" Thought the Punggawa while remembering. Then the Punggawa really remember. At the time he hunted and saw a wild boar drinking in the creek. Her voice was also smacking and sipping like that. He also remembered the sounds of dogs and cats when eating food.

"Ah yes ... it's exactly ... just like the sound I heard! So lest .. "Suddenly the eyes of the punggawa wide-eyed. As someone remembered something surprising. Almost at once he slipped out of the hiding place. He left the ship and hurried back to report to Queen Aji Bidara Putih. "You're not making it up, Uncle,"scolded the Queen after hearing the report of the retainer. "I'm not making it up, my lord! His voice when eating was convincing me, "said the punggawa. "The prince must not be human like us. He must be a demon! Either a wild boar, a dog or a cat. Anyway stealth! Only at noon did he turn into a human being! Believe me. I'm not making this up .. "

The convincing explanation of the courtier made Ratu Aji Bidara Putih finally believe. Not funny, he thought, if he got married to a demon. Yet many handsome princes and princes have proposed to him. So on the next day he firmly declared his rejection of the prince's proposal.

The Prince was very angry at the rejection of Queen Aji Bidara Putih. How dare the princess reject her. In his ignorance he immediately ordered his soldiers to attack the land of Muara Kaman.

The soldiers invaded the land of Muara Kaman. It is obvious that they are more experienced in the art of combat. Muara Kaman's warriors were urged, the victims of the fighting were increasing. While the soldiers of the prince the Prince approached toward the palace.

Queen Aji Bidara Putih felt sad and panicked. But then he tried to calm his mind. He was silent. after which he chewed betel. Then the betel chewing gripped tightly. Then said, "If it is true I am descendant of powerful kings, there will be something that can drive out an enemy that is threatening my country!"

Simultaneously he throws the betel to the battle arena ... and, dear ... look! Arrived = come the betel nut was transformed into gigantic centipedes!
The centimeters long over a meter soon struck the Chinese prince's soldiers. The soldiers became frightened. They ran away and returned to the ship.

But the centipede did not stop rushing. Three giant centipedes represented the group. They swam to the ship, then reversed it until the ship was drowned and all its passengers and its contents ... The place where the former sinking of the ship was until now by the inhabitants of Muara Kaman is called the Centipede Lake. It is said, according to the owner of the story, once in this place occasionally found antiques from China.

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