Face Masks are a Health Hazard Period

Study on masks vs N95 respirators for health workers spurs concerns

  • Mary Van Beusekom | News Writer
  • CIDRAP News
  • Nov 29, 2022
  • Study

Medical masks, she said, aren't respiratory protection but rather protect against liquid splashes and sprays. Because SARS-CoV-2 is primarily transmitted via aerosols, inhalation—not direct splatters—presents the greatest transmission risk:
"The longer an HCW is in the hospital (a shift is usually 6 to 8 hours), the greater the risk of inhaling accumulated aerosols."
"In fact, the finding of noninferiority in this trial was consistent with up to a relative 70% increased risk,"

Study finds presence of cancer-causing carcinogen in COVID face masks

Research Article

  • Not only have adults been unwittingly exposed to this likely cancer-causing substance due to widespread mask mandates put in place during the pandemic, but so too have children, whose bodies are especially vulnerable to toxic influences.

Face masks are not only ineffective, they are a health hazzard, especially for children. They cause mental and physical health issues. Masking mandates must never be supported because they do not 🚫 prevent air bourne viruses from entering the mouth, nose and lungs.

Masks are only used in operating theatres or for visiting seriously ill patients in order to prevent infection from spit or droplets into open wounds or to partially protect visitors from acquiring and transmitting pathogens more dangerous than Covid.

Below you will see a series of peer reviewed journals and studies showing the ineffectiveness and the dangers of mask mandates and why they must never return, they must be permanently abolished.

Public Health Officials, Governments, Public Health Agencies, the World Health Organization, Medical Professionals, Medical Doctors, TV Doctors and so on, that support masking mandate and recommend masking are ALL spreading dangerous disinformation and Anti-Science views. They must all be held accountable for misleading the public.

What Does Wearing a Mask Really Do To Your Body?

NOTE: Twitter banned the account above because the medical professional proved face masks are a health hazzard. Here's another very informative video presentation.

Stephen Petty - On the effectiveness of masks


Titanium dioxide particles frequently present in face masks intended for general use require regulatory control

  • NIH - National Library of Medicine
  • Eveline Verleysen + 13 Authors - et al. Sci Rep. 2022.
  • Peer Reviewed Journal

47 studies confirm ineffectiveness of masks for COVID and 32 more confirm their negative health effects

Why Masks Don’t Work Against COVID-19

The Foegen effect: A mechanism by which facemasks contribute to the COVID-19 case fatality rate

Scientific Study on Kids Finds Wearing a Face Mask for Just 3 MINUTES is Toxic

A cluster randomised trial of cloth masks compared with medical masks in healthcare workers

  • C Raina MacIntyre et al. BMJ Open. 2015
  • NIH Study













This is Brainwashing Criminal. 🤬⬇️


Extreme Child Abuse 😡⬇️





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