Body Weight - Leg Routine - Squat


Animations like this do not take too long to make, I hope to build a library of the moves that I use often, then compile them into full routines.

For the squat, 3 - 6 sets of 10 - 50 reps depending on your fitness.
Warm up, cool down listen to your back and knees.

I keep my eyes forward and focus on feeling how my weight is over my feet.
I try to keep my weight over the middle of each foot, not too much on the heal or the toes.

We will not all get to be rich and drive nice cars, but most of us can do a lot to optimise the bodies that we get around in. Money can not buy health, but it helps.

Each day begins with appreciating what I have, where I am, who I am with, then choosing my emotion and action from there.

If I can not choose my emotion, I accept the level of tension and sensation in my body, this takes my mind away from thoughts that may otherwise ruin a great day.

Speaking of which, I hope you have one :)

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