Split Racism

The Introduction

Once upon a time, I watched a video of XXXtentacion, a Late weird-faced American Rapper . In that video, he talked about a split side to racism: Afro-American Racism, to be precise. He was talking about a side to racism, people rarely identify or consider wrong even though it happens all the time.


The Story

Imagine two friends: A white and a Black American. They were both caught in compromising situations that depict crime . Truth is they know nothing about it. They got arrested and pinned to the ground with the chest to the pavement the way American Police do . They are angry. They feel humiliated. They didn't know they were in the wrong neighbourhood: a neighbourhood with the wrong kind of criminals, the kind that gets thrown to Alcatraz. So the police treated them like one. Who likes to be treated like a criminal while obeying the law.

The two americans start talking back at the police.

THe White Says: What have we done? I have done nothing wrong.
The Black Says: You fucking racist, I have done nothing wrong.

Analysis of the Story:

Who is the racist here,The black Guy, the White Guy or the Police Man (assuming he is white) . Maybe the Policeman is racist, that is not easy to cocnlude upon. The premise of the arrest is that the neighbourhood is filled with criminals, anyone found there needs to be treated like one before they overpower the police man. For the White guy,he has no problems, he is clearly not a racist. None of his actions or words depict racism Then, the black guy, like most people might say is being wrong and maybe felt insecured but clearly not a racist.

The Split Side:

This is where I give the split side of the racism I am talking about. If a white policeman pins a black man to the ground and the black guy pulls out the "You are racist " card, then is he not racist for assuming every white man (or policeman) is a racist. That is split racism, when you are the type of person that easily pulls out that "I am a victim of racism" card through accusation , is that not racist. Are you not falsely taking adavantage of the public sentiment against racism for yourself?

What do you think when you see any white man? What comes to your mind? If what comes to your mind is that they are racist without gettting to know them first , then you are split racist. That is my opinion.

.. * to be continued*

Image Source: agameforgoodchristians.com

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