This is the Typical Sublimated Dodol Recipe Subang


Subang is the best pineapple producing region in Indonesia. If we think that the pineapple taste sour, may never have tasted the original pineapple Subang. Subang native pineapple is different from pineapple-pineapple in other areas. Pineapple is sweet, pulen and certainly refreshing, especially eaten during the day. Pineapple original Subang is named 'Pineapple Simadu'.


Pineapple dodol which is the main ingredient of pineapple has nutrient rich in vitamins and minerals. The most prominent nutritional content is vitamin C and manganese. According to The World's Healthiest Foods that vitamin C content at 165 g of pineapple suffices up to 105.1% requirement per day. While the manganese content of pineapple fruit reaches 76.5% of daily needs.

Pineapple also contains many proteolytic enzymes bromelain so that it can break down proteins. Pineapple is rich in copper, and contains vitamin B1, vitamin B6, folate, dietary fiber, and pantothenic acid. As well as Vitamin A but in very small quantities.

In addition, pineapple has many health benefits, including:

Protects the body from free radicals and prevents cancer
Can lose weight
Healthful digestive system
Relieves inflammation
Increase endurance
Helps cure sinusitis


The ingredients to make dodol pineapple are quite easy to get in the market. Here are the ingredients to prepare:
1 kg of pineapple fruit is still fresh
150 grams of brown sugar
50 grams of sugar
50 grams of sticky rice flour
coconut milk
vanilla to taste


In making dodol pineapple requires patience and thoroughness. Especially when determining the dosage of the ingredients. Here are the steps to make a typical pineapple dangol Subang:

Peel the pineapple skin thoroughly
Wash the sap present in the pineapple
Puree pineapple in a shredded or blended way
Combine sugar, brown sugar, glutinous rice, coconut milk and vanilla with pineapple that has been mashed
Stir all ingredients that have been mixed until evenly distributed
Simmer the ingredients that have been blended evenly to form a thickened dough
Pour the pineapple dodol dough that has been thickened into a mold or a baking sheet
Chill the pineapple dodol that has been made in a way allowed a few minutes
Once cool, slice the pineapple dodol according to taste
Wrap it with oil or plastic paper


When we first hear the word dodol, we will imagine that sweet and textured taste is a bit sticky. The word dodol also may people will connect it with the Garut region, because it is famous dodol Garut. Yet almost in every region has its own dodol. One of them in Subang there dodol pineapple.

Dodol Pineapple typical Subang has a distinctive taste, unlike other dodol. Dodol pineapple, besides having a sweet taste, there is also a bit of refreshing sour taste.

Recipe Dodol Pineapple Typical Subang
For those of you who are around Subang, maybe you will not be difficult to get this pineapple dodol. But for those of you who are away from Subang, it may be difficult to get a pineapple dodol that has this distinctive flavor. But do not be sad, because here we will give the recipe. Here are the ingredients and how to make a typical pineapple dolol Subang.


Subang is one of the regencies in West Java. Subang area extends from the north bordering the Java Sea to the south that borders Bandung. So Subang has abundant natural resources, ranging from the results of fishing in the sea to the results of planting in the mountains.

Thus the recipe dasol pineapple typical of Subang along with the nutrient content contained in pineapple fruit. For tourist and culinary info Purwakarta, Subang and Karawang area can visit Purwasuka Info. May be useful.


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