
History of sultan Malikussaleh or often called Sultan Malik Al Saleh. news from local lights / Markopolo year 1292 and Ibn Battuta 13th century based on. In the year 1267 has stood the first Islamic kingdom in Indonesia, the kingdom of Samudra pasai.Hal also proved by the existence of rock nisa the tomb of Al Malik Al Saleh in 1297 The first king of Samidra pasai / Samudra darussalam ,,

Pasai Ocean is known now as the pasee ocean located in North Aceh, more or less Lhokseumawe city.
Royal kingdom of Pasai Ocean stands around the 13th century by Nazimuddin Al Kamil, a navy admiral from Egypt. In the year 1283 pasai can ditaklukkannya, then lifted Meurah silu became the first king of pasai with title of Sultan Malik Al Saleh (1285-1297). Tomb of Nah Rasiah Tri Ibnu Buttutah, a famous Muslim traveler from Morocco, recorded a very memorable thing to her while visiting a kingdom on the east coast of Sumatra around the year 1345 AD. After a 25 day journey from the barhnakar now entering Myanmar, Buttutah landed in a very fertile place. The trade in the region is very advanced with gold currency.
Pasai ocean kingdom is very influential in the archipelago at that time.on the government of Sultan Malikul Dhahir, Samudra Pasai very developed into the center of international trade. Then after that according to the news from China mentioned mid-15th century, Samudra Pasai still sends its envoy to China as a sign of friendship.

The tomb of Abdullah Ibn Muhammad Ibn Abdul Kadir was married to algae sari

The image of ditas is evidence of all the remains of the seas
That is my search that became a living witness ,,

By @good-darma

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