The power in love

Through the way you choose to see your world, you can transform it in an instant. Problems can be changed into opportunities, despair into determination and anxiety into enthusiasm.


The quality of what you see depends on the perspective from which you see it. And that perspective is entirely up to you.

You have a more powerful choice to make instead of reacting negatively again and again to chaotic happenstances that do not favour you. You have the power to choose to live again, drawing motivation from a constant and unassailable love perspective.

You have the power to choose to be lifted up by all that happens rather than keep fighting against most of what happens. You'll see the positive possibilities in every situation using the perspective of love.


The way to live from love is to be completely and wholly honest with yourself. In the pure truth of who you are and what you sincerely value, is the limitless power of that love.

Let yourself to be truly yourself while allowing the power of love colour your world.

To your success

I am yours @eurogee

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