mosquitoes are known for disease-carrying animals, but on the other hand mosquitoes also have beneficial benefits for our bodies.


The Benefits of Mosquitoes For Health - Mosquitoes are always synonymous with animals carrying woe. A myriad of negative views have been attached to mosquitoes, especially Aedes Aegypti mosquito which is the culprit plague deman bleed. But not all mosquito bites can cause disease, if the itching is definitely clear.


The Benefits Of Mosquitoes For Health
Mosquitoes are flower nectar eaters. This animal sucks blood just for the continuity of the regeneration process, which aims to get the benefits of protein for breeding purposes. Through vision and heat sensors, mosquitoes will scan the blood zone. The heat receptors on mosquitoes can detect temperature differences up to as small as 1/100 degree celcius.
The results of the study entimologi University of Florida, United States, states that the mosquitoes will detect and select the blood that dihedotnya. Mosquito's blood is acidic, such as lactic acid and gout, and blood of cholesterol. Thus without us knowing, mosquito bites can actually reduce cholesterol, lactic acid, and uric acid in the blood. One type of cholesterol, Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) is the bond between fat and protein. Excess LDL in the blood will affect the hardening and deposition of blood vessels. As a result there can be increased fat in adipose tissue.

already mentioned above, mosquitoes like blood containing uric acid and lactate. Uric acid is a compound that if in large quantities will tend to settle and cause inflammation.

in addition, mosquito larvae that live in dirty water can actually reduce the population of micro-organisms and bacteria parasites. To survive, mosquito larvae make small vortices in the water, using two limbs. This whirlwind will attract bacteria or other micro organisms to be eaten by mosquito larvae.


Although not all mosquitoes cause disease, but we still have to be vigilant. Do not take risks, so keep the anti-mosquito repellent at home.


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