I think by writing code, not before it.

While doing some research about Robert Nystrom, the guy who created the scripting language Wren chosen for EOS, I stumbled upon this interview, a bit old (from 2015), yet still very informative and fun to read.


How he got into coding

The idea that I could use the same language that many of the applications I used every day were written in felt like being given backstage access to the coolest show in the world.

Yet another collage dropout

I’m a college dropout — a rare animal at Google — so I have a lot of gaps in my academic knowledge.

Unable to handle messy code

I’m not very good at dealing with big, messy codebases.

High personal standards

I really, really like clean, elegant, well-documented maintainable code. I’m at my happiest when I get to make the code itself more beautiful. I love producing APIs and code that other programmers will be happy to live in. I could refactor all day. I find cleaning up messy code deeply soothing.

Pavlovian conditioning with music

The big thing that helps is headphones and music. I’ve inadvertently done some Pavlovian conditioning on myself such that if I have electronic music playing through earbuds while staring at a screen, I just tune out the world and go into code mode.

Not much of a technology person

I’m not much of a technology person. I don’t get that excited about frameworks or libraries because ramping up always feels like a chore to me.

And surely not a geek

I can sit on a couch with a computer in my lap pretty much indefinitely.

And finally

I think by writing code, not before it.

Source: https://blog.fogcreek.com/dev-life-interview-with-robert-nystrom/

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