Telos MainNet passes eosDublin Validation


EOS Dublin, the Irish block producer has validated the Telos network on 13th December 2018 at 04:31 UTC. We are serving the Telos network under the account eosdublinwow. Our BP account name is the same one we use on the EOS mainnet.
Telos has been a collaborative project from the initial concept and we worked closely with other BP teams on the Telos network to validate the initial injection.
For a walkthrough and complete discussion of the process of validation and injection, please refer to Douglas Horn’s article here:
External validation is a crucial foundation for the blockchain. It is a way of verifying that keys accounts and balances are all correct at the beginning of the chain. The information contained in the genesis block is the initial architecture for the entire chain. External validation is a process of ensuring the initial data is true. The genesis block is the foundation for the Telos blockchain, and validation ensures consensus across all nodes from the very beginning.
We used this validator from TelosVenezuela.
The full EOS Dublin validation log can be found here (note all times are in UTC):
In summary there were nine points of validation for the Telos genesis block:

  1. Tlos_genesis_snapshot.csv
  2. genesis accounts validation
  3. Eos_bp_accounts.csv
  4. Initial_block_producers.csv
  5. Ram_accounts.csv
  6. tcrp_accounts.csv
  7. Telos_special_accounts.csv
  8. Tfrp_accounts.csv
  9. tfvt_accounts.csv


EOS Dublin confirmed that all 163,930 accounts and balances were present and accurate comprising a total balance of 178473249.3125 Telos. B1’s account name was changed to b1b1b1b1b1b1. The chain is frozen at block 2515 and ready to start on 2516. We’re proud to be a part of the Telos network. Congratulations to Douglas and the team for their accomplishment. They’ve worked hard to fulfill every dimension of their vision and created new models of governance and technology that we are excited to explore. We believe Telos will be an important proving grounds for new ideas in the EOS network as well. Go Telos! !(
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