I want to share a real life story of a couple, who is going through a bad situation and I would like them to give their opinion about it. It turns out that in a marriage, (apparently happy), there was infidelity on the part of the wife towards her husband. The man when finding out and as it was to be expected, threatened to the woman with the divorce in two months and despojarla of the house that they had in common.


During that time, he implemented a series of rules that women and children had to follow to the letter, to punish it, as for example had calculated the time of departure and arrival at home, if they did not reach the approximate time and He was calling his daughter to ask where they were and why they had not arrived, they would not visit their maternal grandmother where they liked to go and they would not even spend Christmas and New Year there as was customary, he decided what they would eat and how much they would eat. she had to cook. Everything had to be communicated to her, no matter how simple it was.
Since they no longer communicated, he sent messages from other people with the children to her, whether she was at home or not, and so did she, even if she tried to talk to him, she ignored her like a stone on the road or an ornament in the wall simply did not exist, which was uncomfortable for everyone, but that's what he should have been according to what he had done.

When the husband talked on the phone with his family, friends or acquaintances, he would tell aloud what she had done to humiliate her and how happy he was because he had passed, how satisfied he was with how well he was doing in his business and the plans I had in the future. She always talked with her children in order to make them think that from that moment it would only be the three of them and her mother would no longer be there, because she had done something very bad. Both the mother and the children suffered because they were no longer together.

After almost two months, between living together, the advice of friends and family, participation in Sunday Masses, the intersection of the children, the messages or celestial voices that according to himself through other people sent him, he understood that he was a perfect being, that in the past he had also proceeded the same and that he was paying for it, that it is human to make mistakes. Then he spoke with his children to ask them if they wanted him to give his mother one last chance, to which they responded without hesitation with a resounding yesss !!!!!


The relationship was improving little by little, Christmas came and since he had decided as a condition that this date and old night would be spent at home from that time, so the others would not agree with that decision, because every year they went to their grandmother to meet other cousins, brothers, uncles and they had a better time because the house was more crowded and lively, but they had to accept it so as not to disobey him and make him angry. Then the couple prepared an exquisite dinner where some relatives of both parties were invited, between meals, sweets and drinks they enjoyed a beautiful night.

The relatives were happy because the marriage managed to come out afloat despite the conflicts, they were grateful to God because he could forgive more. Everything returned to normal, the walks and departures returned, the meetings, although not as before and of course the reconciliation.


But the woman was never sure of the change in her husband, she had to be very careful in what she was going to say so as not to upset him, she did not even sleep well because she was afraid something would happen to her, because during what had happened, he had threatened her. that he would cut her pieces and he would not care about the children anymore. She pleased him in everything, even every time he wanted to have relations so she would not want to, but he always reminded her that if she went with the other one she would do it and she would agree.

She felt insecure because despite the changes she had made, she was not convinced that the marriage was really working. Sometimes distracted, I noticed that he looked at her with hatred, he was rougher when he touched her, he was no longer so chivalrous, like taking her to work and going to look for her. But they were still up and down with their children.


On the last trip they made with their children, it was the straw that broke the camel's back. They decided to go to his hometown because it was a long weekend. They arrived home from their mother. In view of the fact that the economic situation in the country is not at all well and knowing the calamities and needs of each one here, she felt consideration with her mother-in-law, because apart from them, her brother-in-law, the wife and her three had also arrived. children, apart from the four people who lived in that house, I had three families in their house (13 people including them), but they did not have enough food to cook the three meals during those days.

So she starts to worry and does not want to stay in that house for a long time, so as not to cause discomfort. She feels annoyed in silence towards her husband, because she remembers that before leaving home, she wanted to take some food that they had there, but he told her to leave, that she would buy it as soon as they reached the village, but it was not thus, they did not buy anything, rather when they were preparing a meal, they would collect money from the others to buy what they needed, so the wife felt very embarrassed, since she did not have enough money To colaborate. On Saturday night, before bed, she asks her husband what time they would leave the next day for his house and he replies that at 9:00 a.m. and they go to sleep.

The fateful Sunday arrived, very anxious she got up to help in the chores of that house to win the will, wishing that they would be done quickly by 9:00 a.m. to leave, she only thought that it would be lunchtime and again having to go through the same shame, but her husband slept without worry. Just at that time he got up and started to move from here to there, between beds and hammocks he was walking. At last they set out to do the pending proceedings, to look for the cheese to the field, which is half an hour from the town and then to deliver some chickens to a supermarket, between comings and goings were made 11:00.

On the way back to her mother's house, he tells her how hot the sun is, and she tells him that if they had left earlier, it would not have affected them because the weather is cooler in the morning. It would have been better for her if she had not said anything! the man was upset telling him better not to say anything and to be quiet ... she too tired of such repression, he also replied in the form of a question why of his anger, in what had offended him, could not even say or say nothing, he brought up again! the infidelity of her, that already was tired and that wanted the divorce, this took the word him thinking that it would only be an annoyance and already. They searched for their belongings and the children and returned home.

During the tour there were no words. That's two months since it happened and according to nothing has changed, everyone is on his side, because he decided so, she wanted to talk to him twice, not to return but to try to recover communication for the children but he continues ignoring her and still using the children as messengers.


Now, I understand perfectly that this gentleman is affected by the betrayal of his wife, which is a very serious offense for him and his children, she was disloyal, betrayed him, disrespected his house and therefore it is not so easy to forget about a thing as big as that and it will take a long time for him to recover from that bad experience, and that she deserves what happened to her, even though they had already talked and agreed that this would be a closed chapter and they would begin a new chapter in her life , like all those couples that go through that situation, I imagine that it does not come back to do the same thing because it breaks the trust, there will always be doubt.

But it also seems that he never intended to improve the relationship when they reconciled, perhaps he did it as revenge for her to believe that they were approaching, because he did not lose the opportunity to remind her of that man, when she refused to Do something he asked. Maybe there is someone else in his life. Moreover, I think that the discussion they had in that town was the excuse to separate from her, according to him confessed that while they were separated the first time, he had had sex with two women, but did not tell him who it was.

Any reason was going to seek to get angry and separate. Why, if he was so tired of her, did he not tell her and wait so long? Maybe he's with one of them now and that's why he does not want to be with his wife anymore and he's never going to confess that this is the way to blame her, only time will tell. But you should open up and confront yourself as an adult person.


But it also seems that he never intended to improve the relationship when they reconciled, maybe he did it as revenge for her to believe that they were approaching, because he did not lose the opportunity to remind her of that man, when she refused to Do something he asked. Maybe there is someone else in his life. Moreover, I think that the discussion they had in that town was the excuse to separate from her, as he confessed that while they were separated the first time, he had had sex with two women, but did not tell him who he was.

Any reason was going to seek to get angry and separate. Why, if he was so tired of her, did he not tell her and wait so long? Maybe he's with one of them now and that's why he does not want to be with his wife anymore and he's never going to confess that this is the way to blame her, only time will tell. But it should be honest and confront as an adult that is. But here the important and sad thing is that children are the ones who suffer the most seeing and learning negative behaviors. Because they will be repetitive, they will copy those bad behaviors with their families as well.

What they have gone through does not have to affect the relationship with their children, the lack of communication between their parents being in the same house, involves, by its very nature, a certain hostility between the parents, putting pressure on the child to see his mother from a wrong point of view, because he will have many faults, but he will always be his mother. Apart from the psychological damage they are creating, such as problems of self-esteem, poor academic performance, they are not related, they are depressed, fearful or anxious children with behavioral problems. The good thing is that in the case of these children do not have these characteristics! we hope that this story has a happy ending, where everyone is satisfied above all for the welfare of these children.


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