A new way to generate wealth everywhere...
When i was in school we had the topic of an enviromental foodprint on earth, we should find ways how to reduce energie costs or how to save our enviroment...
The developed idea is simpel!...
Imagine lots of places have not enough fresh water to grow plants, eg desserts...
But we have oceans and the sun...
The sun heats the ocean...
This generate steam...
The steam will be rain later, and delivers naturally water to all places, until all the drops are done...
We call it rain...
This is also useable for us, to transport water...
At day the sun brings water up, because its hot, the night brings water down again, because its cold...
If we use pipes witch are light trans-missive, we could give the steam a direction, to climb...
In the night, the steam becomes water again, and falls down...
if we place the pipes that way, that the steam can climb up, and also moving in a direction, we transport water and energie...
If other pipes give a down way for water, the water runs down into a collecting basin, at night...
This goes on and on and on, aslong the water reached the spot we want it to be transported...
As longer the way is, as cleaner is the water, because it will loose salt in every basin, and becomes drinkable...
In every pipe water runing down at night, be a turbine to use the potential energie to change it into electrisity.
Thank you for reading.