Electroneum worth about 40 cents per 100 coins

As of right this moment, according to Coinbase Electroneum ETN is at about .004 cents per coin

In monetary realistic description 100 ETN are worth about 4O ( forty cents)

The ETN app that I have on my phone that “mines” ETN is really sort of a drip Faucet that I need to open every few days to extend the mining process . Currently I have about 62 ETN and the pay out at 100 to my wallet. It looks so far that it will take about a month , This can be increased however through referrals as they will pay a certain percentage as a bonus for getting others to use the app. They say that they will reward folks using the app up to 3$ per month not including referrals however I believe that those number reflect a much higher $$ per coin value and not the current .004 per $ value of today.

The Electroneum team states that “ Despite processing thousands of transactions every day, unlike any other blockchain network, our network’s energy consumption is equivalent to that of a single light bulb.”

I would like to see the math on that ..

That being pondered... with their mode of creating coins and distribution of them they do seem like an extremely efficient group and I for one am rooting for them to do well AND to well for myself as well .
They are putting a lot of effort to reach the unbanked .. not to entangle them with banks .. but to keep them free of them but still able to use crypto as a way to earn spend and protect their wealth..

The App was Free, the sign up effortless and it costs me nothing to participate and in the long run, as a CryptoManiac it gives me yet another opportunity to part from banks and centralized money cabals .
So here is my code.. sign up .. make some Electroneum and make me a little too..

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