A lot has been happening in the @5LOcelots' room over the last few days. Waginski returned from Japan after being away for a few weeks and everybody is massively keen to move on to some new learning experiences. 5L have been playing Trivial Pursuit as part of our morning reading time to augment their 'Brains Trust' and build general knowledge and informative writing skills. The version of the game that Waginski brought in, however, is massively outdated and has questions from like, the 80s. He's so old skool! One of the students has brought in a 2000s version of the game and the Ocelots are going to design their own to test their knowledge and skill.
The Ocelots have also been measuring the perimeters and areas of all of the learning spaces around the school so that they can rebuild it to scale and create a virtual tour of our school for prospective students and visitors. Some of the maths is going to get quite gnarly, and some of the massively math oriented Ocelots will be grappling with trigonometry to calculate the height of the buildings. They're excited about it, too!
5L have also been making slime in science!
We've also joined the Wooranna Park PS Minecraft server and look forward to adding some epic builds in the near future. You can see below that Skelly is jumping for joy.
Last but not least for this week, Creepy McCreepface has made a somewhat triumphant return the classroom after being attacked by rats. The CoderDojo students been working to repaint and reassemble him in between learning JavaScript. All in all it's been a very entertaining, engaging and productive week!