The EcoTrain Magazine: 9th May 2019- Bringing you Amazing Content from the EcoTrain Passengers

Welcome to another weekly Curation from the amazing Passengers of the EcoTrain.

As always the passengers have been busy writing posts that promote, awareness and well being and also the many ways in which we can care for the earth. There is always something to suit everyone, from growing food, , natural medicine, living sustainability and self care.

It is our goal within the EcoTrain to make the world a better place and we are all very passionate about doing just that, which is reflected in the content we create. So sit back, enjoy and remember to show your support by upvoting, following and resteeming the content that you enjoy and lets all work towards making the world a better place together!



Stranger In A Strange Land 

Feeling not quite into it and not quite out of it

I’m writing this in a weird space.

I’m in my local pub, which is visually quite strange. The Kinks are playing on the hi-fi, and I’m sitting here with a glass of red.

It’s my day off; what feels like the first real day off in some time. It’s a chilly but sunny autumn day in Melbourne. It’s happy hour and outside the end-of-day peak traffic is just starting.

I’ve spent the bulk of the day in a meditative space. I sat for a few hours contemplating then writing up notes for this week’s section of the I Ching translation, which is already proving to having subtle effects in my field. I then did some Tai Chi, then had a deep immersive mediation in a hot bath.


How (and Why) to Mulch Your Garden with Grass Clippings, A Free Resource

We have an abundance of grass in our garden, around our garden beds and even outside the garden. The grass is a huge asset for us because not only does it feed the horse that gives us poop for adding fertility to the garden, the grass itself is also fertility. We use it as mulch around our veggies and plants.
Lawns are given a bad rap because they can be a mono culture and take lots of water to keep green year round, but they can also be looked at like a resource not only for feeding animals but also for feeding our gardens which feed us.


Learn how to make Seats from Tires and the benefits of upcycling tires into Seats | DIY! 

How to make 'Mushroom' Tire Seats from Tires

@thegreens, we call them “Mushroom Tire Seats” because they appear as if they are growing from the ground and have a round mushroom cap.
To make a Mushroom Tire Seat is Simple and very cheap.
All you need are;

  1. Tires
  2. Soil
  3. Sand
  4. Cement
  5. Paint
  6. Digging tools

Follow this simple procedure to make your Mushroom Tire Seat



Wider Circles - Community Connections & Remembering the Journey Here

Last night Ini and I walked around the homestead and I'm not sure what it was, but we started saying Remember when...

Remember when..

This was just a scrubby field with a huge oak and hickory in it?
When our neighbor came up one time with his discer and we walked behind it picking up rocks (which did nothing...) When you got naked and started pulling out what we thought was poison ivy, but ended up being aromatic sumac and I screamed when it touched your butt.

Remember that winter we slept outside when we came back after traveling and our yurt was moldy.. How we started off without power and carried water up the hill from our spring...


Homestead Life: New Arbour, Stubbornness & Love For Sticks & Twigs 

When I get an idea in my head, I just want to make it happen - immediately. I don't like to wait for or rely on help from others.

I don't know my limitations until I leap in and discover how hard a project really is. Then there's a moment of wishing I had paused first, but at that point I am invested so I carry on to the end.

Building a new arbour was a perfect example. It might not seem like much of anything, but it was a big lesson for me.

The original arbour was beautiful, and delightfully constructed with wood foraged from the forest, twine, good knotting and a few screws. I loved it.


Sounds: Musings, Freedom from The Material, and Music as Joyful Medicine

For those of you that know me, I love my music and I love writing about it each week and how it's connected to my life, my memories, the present moment. It's just fun - I dont know how many of you listen to the songs or even read those posts, but that's fine - it's just a little moment in the week for me where I sit down and intentionally listen to some tunes and chill out. It's the least pressure to write a post all week.

Today, I realised, the content of the post relates to the tribes I'm in. How to unintentionally combine #ecotrain, #naturalmedicine, #sundaysounds, #musicmonday, #homesteaderscoop and #freedomtribe all in one post? Sort out your CD collection.


Self Evolution is a Process -- Start Today.

Let's Begin

If you need space, then you must create it.
If you want change, you must be able to exert effort.

We all are here to change ourselves.
We all are here to become the best version of ourselves.
How shall we do this?

Well, there are three CRITICAL steps.

We must know and accept where we are.
This can be the hardest ... especially when we want so badly to be better.
Take a deep breath ... and let yourself acknowledge where you truly are.
No judgement, no criticism.
It is ok.

You are ok.
You will grow.


The Things That Make Me Happy

One man's ceiling is another man's floor, I do not know who first said that, but it is something that I have heard a lot of down through the years. Indeed the things that make me happy, well they may make you feel uneasy. We are all so wonderfully unique, so deliciously different and we all have certain things in our lives that make us happy. From the simple things to the more profound, today I would like to know what these things are for you.

But before we get to that I will share with you all, the things that make me happy.
I love waking up in the morning to my 2 year old daughter asleep beside me, looking so peaceful and content. She is just the best thing to wake up to and sometimes as I lie there and watch her, she will wake up and catch me looking at her and the biggest smile will break out on her face. That smile is enough to melt my heart.


The learning curve in an uneven environment. 

It's taking me a long time and I am a bit lost as to what my priorities are but I'm learning so much!

One of our main priorities is to build a home before next winter with the thought of sustainability. That means we need to build some sort of passive system in terms of heat and energy to save money and limit our own carbon footprint. It also means that we need to be sustainable in a monetary sense too. The lower our taxes stay the better and we need to start working on some kind of income stream.

Even though with this damned climate change, we're still colder that we would like to be up here in the Catskills region, it was decided that we should work on renting out one of our bell-tents...


Getting into the Earth for My Earth Deeds...

Gardening is my passion!!
It gives many benefits - not only supplying you with fresh wholesome food, but it is a good way to get some exercise and also gets you more in tune with nature and the changing seasons!

Not only does it benefit you, but it also benefits the Earth by cutting down on the amount of transportation to get your food to you and the pollution that comes from that.


Home Remedies - Natural Medicine Fortnightly Challenge! 

When it comes to regular ailments, I always prefer doing my Home remedies rather than going for pills and toxifying my body further. I do not remember when did I last take a pill for any regular problem like headache, flu.....and I am so happy about that. Even when last year I had a problem with my back I had only 1 pill for pain reliever in the span of my 4 months ailment and it did not work effectively so I never took it after that.

Today I will share some of my home remedies that I use for common problems of Cough, Cold, Headache, Flu, Body pain and so on. First of all thankfully I never fall sick, so the use is much less but I always recommend it to people and they find it effective.


Earthship Biotecture Transcribed: Session 2/ Part 9: SOLAR POWER: Designing Down, Making Smart Choices.  

We continue our discussions on power systems. This part talks a lot about designing down. In biotecture this means that you really do your best to first reduce the amount of power you need. This means designing the house to function, as well as choosing the right appliances that draw least power and can get the job done. Note that it does not mean going without! In my Earthship i have chosen most of my appliances and tools to be cordless. I have a long list of cordless devices, and these can reduce power use from as much as 3,000Watts (using a regular vacuum cleaner, drill machine, and heating water with electricity for example) to about 30 Watts, and even that is only when they are charging!

Examples of Good choices when designing down and living comple


Keeping a Promise for Saw O Moo - Indigenous Karen Environmental Activist 

"So who's Karen?" Clearly skim reading has it's limitations.

"Not Karen, a person", I answered. "The Karen people. Indigenous ethnic mountain people along the Thai Burmese border. They have their own territory called Karen State."

"Oh" she responded. "Never heard of them."

When she said that, I instantly recalled a line from a video about Saw O Moo, a Karen environmental activist.
He said to his wife that if he was ever killed for his environmental activism, his legacy would be written in newspapers and read by his seven children.

It hasn't really happened that way.


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