Waking Up with the World Mostly Still Asleep...

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Ever wonder how much effort is put into keeping the world asleep? I am not referring to a type sleep that keeps us from a spiritual awakening - I am actually referring to a true conscious awakening of humanity realizing they are under mind control. Until rather recently I did not view life this way. I did not want to believe that an effort was being applied against human kind to suppress them and keep them inside of certain type of "systems." I now realize how much of the planet is under a "mind-control" of sorts, and often asleep and tuned out to this reality.

I used to believe that life was simply "happening" around us. That it was random that humankind is set up in a current day system that relies around money and the need to then have a job in order to earn "money," that then we must use to pay taxes, bills, and other necessities of life. This however is a made up lie or trick that is aimed at mankind as a means to keep us lost and fighting among ourselves for more money and status. Money is a made up thing. It doesn't even exist as a value. Human kind applied a value to it. It is a falsity. We should never NEED money to give us what we need for life and existence. Part of the problem is that we have become greedy - forgetting that we don't NEED all things. We are at times in a perpetual and endless cycle of want and greed, further perpetuating the problem around money and the believed notion that we need it. We are in shackles within this system, however there are things we can do to begin to break free and work to attain complete and true freedom.

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It starts with asking "why." I have been a person all my life that has wondered and sought out answers to some of life's greatest and most challenging questions. Why do we exist? What happens when we die? Why does human kind continue to live within this perpetual cycle of modern day slavery? What can be done about it?

I believe it starts with our youth. If we look at our education systems; they may be the number one contributor. Those who want to maintain power in this world are very smart and know that they must program our youth to confine them within the system from a young age. Most within the education system have good intentions but don't even realize the poisoning plot they are placing our young within. The education system of today's modern world goes to great lengths to ensure that our youth realizes their "place" in society. They are told they MUST complete their education and then go onto become a "productive member" of society. And sadly, most parents subscribe their children willingly into the system - because they want their children to grow up and be successful right? Well again - what defines success? Surely it shouldn't be a man-made system and how that child grows up within it that should define success right? But that is precisely what we are made to believe.

Then there is the politics and government system. The belief that people NEED government or there would be CHAOS. This goes way back into biblical times when great efforts where placed to remove and edit parts of religious scriptures about reincarnation for fear that if people knew they lived again the church and state would lose control. There has been trickery at work against us for centuries in time - all of which placed around the effort to keep people believing that they need the church and state to "guide them." In reality we don't need guidance from anyone other than from within ourselves. The minute we look to another entity for guidance on what we should do is the first minute we begin to give away our freedoms.

The powerful few in this world have used the major media outlets for some time now. We know this now more than ever, yet so little is done about it. With the creation of television and radio, the powerful in this world saw their control opportunity really come into frame. They knew they would have a great way to put permanent control on the masses. Billions around the world obliviously watch the screens of their devices and listen to the propaganda that they are fed, often without questioning what they are hearing - or worse yet subscribe to the outlets to which they most align, agree, and feel comfortable with. This generates even more boundaries between us furthering us from being able to move forward as a complete human oneness and consciousness.

The true meaning of "anarchy" is "absence of government or rule - a state of lawlessness and political influence." Yet we have been made to think that anarchy is bad. That we would never want it. Would we really rather be "ruled" by people that think they know what our needs and intentions are? True Law is Law of the universe - what is right and just by universal Law. The law that humankind speaks through is the will of their own made up rules. Rules that govern and keep people in order. That is not just nor the way that life was meant to be. No one should be owned, ruled, or told what they can and cannot do. Even if there would be short term challenges and evil doing during this freedom movement, I would rather it happen out in the open than behind the veil through which it is currently happening in this disguised reality that we are living.

Many then believe that the lesser of the two evils is to simply "go along with it." Challenging the system to which we live and exist is simply too hard and not worth the effort. We don't want to live in an utter state of chaos (or so it is meant to make us believe), so we simply choose the road of least resistance. Personally I'd rather take the risk. Yes, there will be some that have bad intentions or use their new found "freedom" in not so good-intended ways, but again I believe it would be short lived and not long term.

The banking system, police, military - all systems of control. When we allow others power to enforce rules over the population it is going to cause a state of resistance. We don't need these organizations to make decisions for us. We don't need them to decide if we have good enough credit to purchase a home, to decide if we are going to fast on the roads, or to raid other countries for whatever reasons they portray as just and right. It is not their duty, yet it happens every single day and we mindlessly continue to allow it without much resistance at all. Most of it is meant to maintain a form of mind control over the masses.

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I do believe there are peaceful ways to push back and begin to work towards real freedom. It begins with first becoming aware of the situation through which most of us are living under. Knowledge and awareness are the first steps towards real awakening. Once we have this awareness we have choices through which we can take and act. It is not an easy process because in most parts of the world, failure to "comply" can land you with arrest and containment. However through concerted efforts of the masses - our voices can be better heard. I would never want or wish that anyone face punishment for voicing and acting our their personal rights, but sadly the powerful few in this world are so afraid of losing control they can and will incarcerate the few that act out. But if enough people ban together they cannot oppose us all. There are strength in numbers and we can begin to make a difference rather than sitting in silence and not recognizing the dilemma through which humanity currently resides within.

It is not going to be an easy road, but one day humanity to going to pull through. We need to encourage others to realize the system that they are living in is not one that is best for humankind. Even in the worlds most free of nations we are not free. We will never be truly free as long as we allow the current systems of control to reign over us. We can continue to challenge the beliefs that we've been raised on. We can share these findings and understandings and look for others that are aiming after the same causes.

Slowly - the world is waking up...but there are far many more that need to awaken from the guise of the modern world. We all deserve to be fully free - NO ONE PERSON DESERVES ANY RIGHT TO OWN, RULE, OR PERSECUTE another for any reason. No entity deserves the right to rule anyone or any group of people.

I am awake...and I am looking for ways to help generate real freedom...ways to get out of the system through which I've been enslaved. I hope that more can join me in this journey.

Be well my friends - keep challenging our minds and thoughts. The answers are within.

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