Take Back Control of Your Own Mind...

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I wanted to take a moment this week to discuss something that has been on my mind lately. This will not be my typical post, but one that I think will round out my feelings on government as I view it as of writing this post today.

I was born in the United States and have resided within this land all my adult life. I was born into a democratic family and lived in a poor community most of my early life. My family was not one that was very political - only when it seemed to matter during the 4 year major presidential elections. I lived in an underprivileged manner with a "check to check" type of lifestyle. We always had food on the table, but that was mostly thanks to the welfare checks and food stamps bestowed to my divorced mother since we were deemed at the "poverty level."

As I worked through time, got my own job, moved up the corporate level through hard work, earned more money, began to see more taxes taken from me - I decided to change my party affiliation to that of "Republican." I believed that the republican view was best that represented my state in my early adulthood as I began to see my own hard work and earnings taken away from me. At the time I didn't understand, certainly today I do.

More time passes on into my 30's... Now I have more than I need in life and choose not to squabble or even much care about politics (who's right / who's left - and why) and begin to question even more the functionality of our government and of life overall in general. As I work through my own personal awakening I begin to seek out ways to simply help others, regardless of silly political titles, however I can in terms of their "conscious" ability. I largely do this in non-evasive ways by simply being of "higher awareness," accountability, and authenticity with all those I interact with. If they chose to engage in conversations of higher levels then I am happy to entertain them. Never a preacher of any sort, I've begun to realize that people learn best through their own trials, tribulations, and experiences.

So now, at the present moment, as I continue to question the consciousness of human kind and what we need to truly break free and discover our truest potential and abilities as a species, I begin to see government as simply a "power hungry entity," trying desperately to maintain control and power over the people they aim to keep down and suppress.

Most of my life I have viewed the government as an entity that has truly tried to run it's nation to the best of it's ability. Sometimes with good results and others with not so good outcomes. Certainly there are flawed individuals within it, but for the most part I've viewed government as "necessary." Certainly government is necessary right? - How else could we as a population ever really function without "government." Surely it must be necessary or we'd have "Anarchy" right?

Little did I realize the serious mind control that is going on here. The fear that is created and pumped into us daily reminding us of what can happen when we don't have "big daddy" government close by to protect us. The shear fact that the media (all forms) is completely controlled at higher levels should be one major red flag. Most of the media that is pushed through our devices is owned and controlled by ONLY SIX CORPORATE CONGLOMERATES. Everything from CNN & Fox News to Disney, Universal, and Warner Brothers - all owned by large corporations that pander to the government with all types of donations, lobbying, and other tactics of bribery. And these corporate entities...who are their owners? What are their world views? That is who is really running the United States - not the government.

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If there is anyone really running the government it is likely the Federal Reserve. The government turned over financial control to Fed in the early 20th century and since that time the Fed has been deciding what is best for our financial system. The Federal Reserve is simply a private bank. Who are it's owners? What are their motives? The federal reserve has to be the single most destructive, corrupt, and manipulative entity that exists in the modern era. The fact that we don't even really have to pay "income tax" in the U.S. yet hundreds of millions of people do it each year out of fear of containment might be the biggest cover up of all time. I recently came to find out that the word "income" used to mean anything over and above, or extra, in regards to salaries and wages. You see, we call that today a "bonus." But that used to be called "income." Income was supposed to be taxed because it wasn't originally seen as wages earned. Yet, like in many other ways, the words and meanings have been twisted to create new meaning and find a way to co-horse an entire population into thinking it is their civic duty to hand over their hard earned wages to the government. Power hungry? Money hungry? Absolutely...

The funny thing is that money doesn't even really exist. This obviously is man made and perhaps had it never been created we might not be in this mess and battle over control and power in the first place. We made money out of the necessity to have something to barter with. First it was food and goods, then precious metals, then money. The greed in finding ways to obtain it have not ceased since the dawn of its existence.

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We are made to think and believe that the government is necessary. That without them there would be Anarchy. The word anarchy alone means - without rule. Yes...we would have anarchy - there would be no rule. Yet we are made to believe that if anarchy were to ensue we would have chaos. Perhaps maybe short term that might be the case for those that aren't spiritually enough evolved yet. In my opinion it is exactly what human race needs. If we can't simply think that we couldn't come up with a better way to function as a society then we are selling ourselves short. No one should exert control over anyone - period. My soul and my being belongs only to me - no one else.

Yet those in the government aren't ready to allow the rat race to end - the power struggle continues to maintain control...find ways to keep the vibration from rising among us. Find ways to help us continue to fight among ourselves and have them make us believe they (government) are needed. Republicans vs. Democrats - it's the biggest joke perhaps of all time! I'm convinced now more than ever it's just a veil that is put before our eyes to make ourselves have to tie to some political party that will simply forever fight among themselves in perpetuity should it be allowed. Simply being sucked into the thinking that you are going to "stand for something" as a republican or democrat, and that you're going to "show the other side" just what they need is in itself a method of lowering human consciousness and vibration.

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I could go on and on with this post but the simply point that I'm trying to make is that human kind, in this modern era, is under mind-control and most people don't even realize it. Until we find a way to step out of this control and stand up we will continue to suppress ourselves and as long as anyone is being suppressed it will lower the potential of the whole since we are all connected energetically.

I'd like to thank @dividebyzero for helping guide my enlightenment on this topic after turning me onto the Podcast - "What on Earth is Happening" by Mark Passio. I've started from the beginning of this (at present time) 211 episode podcast and am now only through 30 of them. Each are 2 hours long and can be somewhat repetitive during each episode but if you are looking for something that really helps pull the veil from the eyes concerning: enlightenment, consciousness, mind control, and the bad that government can do; I'd highly recommend this podcast.

For now my eyes continue to be open. As I have said for a decade now - I subscribe to no religion for I am simply "spiritual." Now in terms of political affiliation I will never again subscribe to Democrat or Republican - or even Independent. While I land mostly in political view as a Libertarian - I simply stand for humankind and it's betterment. That is all...nothing more and nothing less.

We are going to continue to spiritually evolve. Whether it takes us longer or not...we WILL get there. We are being limited at the current time in the history of our species, but that will change.

I'll continue to do my part and help those along the way where and when I can. Do the research for yourself. Form your own conclusions. I have mine...

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