Pulling Yourself Out of an Emotional Rut...

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What do we do when we find ourselves in depressing thoughts or emotionally challenging times? It's often easy to sit there and sulk over the problems or reasons for why we are feeling down. We may be kicking ourselves for allowing actions to take place that have resulted in these challenging times. These moments happen - and sometimes without our doing. How do we overcome them and get on with leading a positive and rewarding life? I have some perspectives that I'd like to give to this weeks @ecotrain question of the week - "How do you get out and stay out of an emotional hole?"

There is likely no absolute "one size fits all" here that will work for everyone - but I do have some proven methods that have worked for me over the years that I'd like to share:

1. Take back control of the present moment - Realize that all we ever have is the present, ever-occurring, moment. Recognize what it is that has put you into a poor or unhappy mood. Sometimes we need to grieve or feel sorrow and sadness. Feel that emotion - recognize it for what it is and why it is here. Appreciate it and why you feel this way at the present moment. Realize that this is not what you are. For you are light and love. What has come to you in this moment is only a brief passing by. Feel it as part of life and be thankful for it. For me, realizing that "this too will pass," and coming back to the ever present moment is the first step in being able to move out of a sad or depressing time.

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2. Realize that you are in control of your thoughts - The quicker that you realize that you control your happiness or sadness the faster you can be back on track to thinking and leading a happy life. "Accountability thinking," is what I refer to this type of mindset as. We are responsible for how we choose to feel each day. Yes, recognizing sadness and taking time to feel bad about something is part of the human experience. Dwelling on it excessively does us no good. Getting back to positive thinking fast will ensure that you draw more positive experiences back into your life.

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3. Do something you enjoy - Get back to doing something you really like. Any hobby or fun activity you enjoy will re-engage your mind with positive feelings and emotions. For me what really works is getting outside. While I live in a location that enjoys all 4 seasons; I will get outside in the middle of winter if I need to. Be it a run, walk, or hike. For me, reconnecting with nature and being within it is "recharging" and motivating for me. Take just about an hour or so. Connect with the world around you. Bring it with you into the moment. Realize that whatever you're dealing with cannot stand the test of time. Look at the trees around you. Realize how long many of them have been on this earth. If they can withstand all the seasons, the cold, the extreme heat, wind, and rain...likely so can you.

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4. Get around the most positive people in your life - There is no doubt that positive thoughts bread more positive thoughts. There is so much truth in the world to "Like attracts Like," and the natural Law that abides by those principles. The worst thing you can do is surround yourself with negative thinking people. Those that you think have been through what you're going through can feed your negativity if you are not careful. It is fine if they can relate and have been through what you're going through, but they need to be the type of people that pull you out and not drag you further down. Be very mindful of whom you are engaging in conversations with and surround yourself with. I am the type of person that needs to talk things off my chest - but I'm always aware and careful of whom I tell.

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5. Practice daily meditation - Perhaps one of the best, most tried and true, mechanisms to pull anyone out of an emotional rut is to meditate. Be it only 10 minutes a day. It can be so rewarding, helpful, and insightful to put your thoughts into meditation. To simply calm the mind, ask your inner and higher self how to move forward. Ask for guidance. Look within... That is where the answers lie to anyone's questions. Do not plead outwardly for answers. They lie within and practicing any small amounts of meditation daily can help exponentially.

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When in absolute doubt, just know that you are experiencing what you are experiencing for a reason. How you choose to react to it can make all the difference. See your issue for what it truly is - simply a part of life...a moment in time. What can you learn from it? How can you choose to use your problem for good? Not all of life is going to be a high-flying fun time...but it is all apart of the experience we call "Life." I for one am thankful for it all...the good with the bad.

I hope this helps anyone who comes across it in some small way. Thank you to the Eco-Train community for suggesting such a deep and important question.

Until next time my friends...

Be well.

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