Magic...It Really Does Exist

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As a kid I always thought magic was real. Then growing up we're taught that it's simple trickery and misleading the witnesses. Well, is this really the case or is there some truth behind magic? The @ecotrain popup question of the week aims to challenge it's members as to whether or not they believe in magic or miracles. Or is it all nonsense and only for the gullible people in the world to fall for?

I recently wrote an article on miracles and how they can be generated by focused thought and sincere effort. I believe that we are all capable of generating miracles. So whether you call it magic or miracles, yes - we can all perform "magic." It just comes down to how hard or focused you are with what you are trying to accomplish.

There is a book written by Pam Grout titled e2 or "E-Squared." It's a book that describes an energy field that exist within the physical world that we cannot see, yet interact with all the time. All thought that we think is put out into this energy field and drives our lives beyond our knowing at times. When we focus intently on something we want or desire to see happen we can will it into existence. Within Pam's book there are proven exercises that one can try if they wish to prove that we use energy to bring things into our existences.

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Now, does this mean that one can make things vanish into thin air right before your very eyes? Possibly someone could actually...I am not of the mental capacity to make that happen at my present time and practice, but I do believe there are extremely strong minded and willful individuals that know how to focus with enough energy to change and alter their physical surroundings.

I can give a few real life experiences of when I was able to use "magic" to will some things into my existence. There was one evening about 2 years ago that I wanted to try a few of the "tests" from Pam's book "e-squared." I sat and meditated for about 20 minutes with the strong intent that I wanted something of small monetary value to come to me. I gave it a 48 hour time frame and ensured that I asked specifically for something that could not come from a friend, coworker, or be something by dumb chance. I specified that it HAD TO BE DIFFERENT for me to believe that I had this capability. I then set out with heightened awareness to pay attention to what life was putting in front of me so that I would ensure I saw this play out.

Within 48 hours almost to the exact moment - I received a phone call from a local number. It was from a retail outlet from a local mall that was calling to tell me they were putting $25 worth of credit on my account because they hadn't seen me in a while and wanted me to come shop at their establishment. Now...I know what you may be thinking...COINCIDENCE right? Not for me - I've NEVER once received a phone call telling me that I have a store credit or free gift card. Not from live phone call. Nor have I ever received a phone call like that since. I've received plenty of emails, spam mail, and other types of alerts electronically, but this was a phone call from an actual living person telling me they were essentially giving me money. That was EXACTLY what I asked for; something obvious and different to catch my attention.

On another occasion I was sitting on my back deck enjoying the beautiful scenery. We frequently see birds of all kinds, squirrels, and chipmunks. I decided to mediate and in deep thought asked to see a rabbit and some hummingbirds come and make their selves seen to me. I hadn't seen a rabbit or any hummingbirds to this point near my back deck. I kid you not, within minutes a rabbit came out from the bushes and hopped by my deck and a few hummingbirds began buzzing around the flowers. I can't make this up...

Again, coincidence? I don't think so...I believe my mind sent out signals to the universe and my current surroundings and I willed these actions in to existence - magic ;-)

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I've since gone onto just accept that what I intently focus on will indeed come to pass and it isn't really magic at all. It's just the normal way of the universe. To this point in many of our lives on earth, we simply haven't come to realize that there is magic in all we do. When we are oblivious to universal law and don't think we can impact our current surroundings then it is easier to look at magic as some major and abnormal occurrence that we believe only certain people have the ability to produce. This just simply isn't the case. We all have the ability to produce magic...real magic that affects our realities; not the deceiving of the eye tricks we see in shows or Hollywood.

Feel free to give it a try yourself....

I think you'll be astonished by some of the results. Here is the book reference should anyone feel like checking out:

E-Squared - Pam Grout





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