Why is "Play Time" important and what are my favorite things to do just for Fun? EcoTrain QOTW

How I wish sometimes that Life was always a "Play Time", I mean all that you do would be with fun and enjoyment. There would be so much of pleasantness, feelings of harmony, peace, satisfaction, contentment all around. But as we say Life is not a Bed of Roses so there are always things coming up that take up our energy in the wrong way.

Why is "Play Time" Important?

"Play Time is so much essential for all of us. We are living in a crazy world full of chaos, and In midst of all the chaos that we go through in our lives then it would become so important to find that "Play Time" for ourselves. Finding that little time to do the things that you enjoy the most changes the mood for the day. It can make you forget your worries, setbacks, problems, challenges of life. Life is not always about work, commitments and just responsibilities, the little fun time on regular basis not only gives us a good feeling but can also help us developing a healthy mind, fueling up our imaginations, creativity and an overall well being. Play time is not only meant for Children it is equally important for adults as well. Just allowing yourself to let go of loose and not thinking much if we enjoy our play time it definitely brings in a lot of benefits to our physical, emotional and mental body.

At my workplace we used to also set up a Play time on a regular basis, like having set themes "Friday Fun", "Fun at Work" and "Tickle your Senses", with this little break we used to see how employees mood would change boosting their morale and a higher job satisfaction. Ideally in every area of life it is the same. When we have that little play time for our-self it completely rejuvenates us.


What are my favorite Fun things to do?

There are many things that I enjoy and it also depends on the mood of the day. But these are few things that gives me too much pleasure and makes me forget all the worries of life.

Dancing and Music, This is something I love doing the most, not that I am a very good dancer, just a free form of dance I enjoy it the most. When I was in Mumbai every Saturday night we friends used to go out clubbing and dance throughout the night, it would be a wonderful time for me. On Sunday morning the mood would be completely different. I would feel so light and relaxed. This is something now I terribly miss in Muscat, but whenever I travel to Mumbai I make it a point to catch up with my friends on a clubbing plan.

Spending time with my friends, Who does not enjoy this part of life. Being in good company is very refreshing, cracking jokes, meeting up for a singing and drinking sessions, having good food along with it, and then there are times when we make some prank calls. OMG I wish Life would all the time be like this fun and frolic....hahaha


Travelling, Whether it's a long or a short journey, travelling is something I enjoy the most. Most of the weekends we are out of the house either on an overnight trip or just a day excursion. Spending time in nature is blissful, it makes me feel my best self. Travelling teaches us many things in life, we do not only get to know new places and culture but with every place you travel you also get to explore your own-self. It opens me up to new experiences of life.

Spending time with Crystals,I can spend hours and hours with them and never feel it's enough. I enjoy just experimenting with them, making Crystal Grids, testing their healing capabilities and enjoying their soothing energies.

Watching Movies in a Cinema House,This is something I again enjoy to the maximum. I do not like to watch movies at home. I enjoy going to a theater and watching a movie along with my favorite Chocolate Ice-cream....hehehe.


Playing with Children, OMG goofing around with them is so much of fun. I would miss anything to spend time with my nephews and nieces or any child. Their innocence is so damn cute. Few days back one of my friend and me spent our evening together with her 4 year old son, he would make me run all over the place and then his endless questions would drive me nuts but this fun cannot be replaced with any pleasures of the world.

These are some of my fun things that relaxes me to the core; What are your's?

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Me and My Husband fighting out his Medical condition of Thymoma and Myasthenia Gravis disorder
Challenges with Tolerance level of the Younger Generation
My Religious cum Adventure trip of a 600 KM day drive

Supporting People Who Help
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