The ecoTrain Highlights Of The Week! Catch some awesome posts and community posts here!


Its been a while since i posted for the ecoTrain highlights! Many thanks to @trucklife-family for doing it for so long. If you didn't know, the ecoTrain curation is ongoing, and is here to support anyone who used our #ecoTrain tag on their quality post. We are an open, active, global community focused on sustainability and moving towards the healing of Mother Earth, and of course ourselves! We manually curate and up-vote posts using the #ecotrain tag, based on merit.

We support posts that fit the general theme of 'Things that help make this world a better place'. This can mean so many things, and includes topics such as Homesteading, Vegan Cooking, Spirituality, Esoteric Knowledge, Gardening, Eco Building, Self Sufficiency, Sustainability, Healthy Living, Parenting, Biodiversity, Waste, Decentralisation, Biodiversity & Nature, Climate Change, Ethics, etc.. We especially love people who are engaged with us, and support those of you who are commenting and 'showing up', with 100% up-votes from our combined 20,000 Steem Power. We also love posts that show what you're doing in your community and people who lead by example. We love posts which challenge traditional ways of thinking, doing and being and which offer solutions, ideas and thoughts that minimize our footprint, educate our children and help us to engage more openly from a freer place of responsibility and contribution.

So this week I would like to share a small basket of goodies with you! I have decided not to overwhelm you with a hundred posts that you can barely scroll through, let alone read! So i have chosen some posts that I think are really special and worth looking at. If you agree and enjoy these please let me and the author know in the comments, it helps a lot to know we have made your day a bit more special!


The underworld and our forgotten roots.

Underworld… That word scared me for a long time. The unknown shadows and the mystery of the unseen. The elemental forces ruling the lower densities and dimensions were not that attractive to me.
I preferred flying with the angels, invoking the divine Light and dancing with Spirit.

The last years, it appeared to me that this aspect of Self, subconscious and mysterious needed more attention, more love.
I had the chance to receive an incredible guidance from an Australian shaman healer, Zachary Ellis that could help me map these underworld territories and realms.
Since then, I observe everyday how this empowerment changed my life.

Our subconscious plane is so rich of information and downloads, it reveals ancient mysteries and secrets that become our most cherished downloads.
To ignore all this field of Self is to ignore the biggest part of our potential, of our power.
There, below our roots lays the gifts of all our shadows. The true fuel of our being, the elemental energy that animates Spirit.


Natural prevention is arguably the best natural medicine, ever.

Last week in Thailand we had incredible dry heat of 42-42C (think 105-113F) and humidity of less than 10% on some days. We’d had that dry, hot weather for well over a month, together with poor air quality. And then it rained! Every day now for 5 days. Today it’s hot (about 37C), steamy and more rain expected. The monsoonal wet season has begun.

And after the rain? Mosquitoes!

But not just in Chiang Mai Thailand. Mosquito infestation and mosquito disease is one of the fastest growing health problems on our world today, as we collectively grapple with (ignore?) climate change.

You can read more about the growth of global mosquito borne disease Here.

But suffice it to say that several urban myths about mosquito disease are changed and definitely no longer true:

The Aedes mosquitoes which transmit Dengue Fever only bite in the daytime. I’m here to tell you first hand that they’re happily biting at 2am and 5am – sometimes the worst mosquito issues in our Thai house are very early morning, just after dawn.


MeditationGroup: 5th SGM 🧘🏼‍♂️🧘🏼‍♀️! Join us for the journey. Win SBI, Steem & SP!


Hello Kind Mindful Steemians!
We were on the ride. Not in the car or bike or horse even. Our vehicle was the MIND. Yep, we were exploring the inner world! For the smooth ride our exploration is slow but steady. Doesn’t make sense in the Crypto world? It absolutely does. Crypto world is fast paced and meditation could be one of the most affordable and effective way to wind down, to improve productivity and tap into creativity.

After four Group meditation since 1st of May, we had 5th SGM (Steemit Group Meditation) yesterday (15th May 2019) at 8:30pm GMT (UK time)on mindfullife @naturalmedicine Discord.
We, #mindfullife @naturalmedicine, are now running regular Steemit Group Meditation (SGM) sessions on following days and time (unless notified differently on the Discord)


Contest: 15 SBi Shares for the Winners + 1 Month Exposure!

Yes yes, it's that time again! I'm looking for the very best of your quotes... As promised in this post, I am making this contest happen once a month!

This is a call to create as genuine and as best content as we can. A call to keep creating, to keep following your passion and to be successful!

The Contest is simple:

Tell the world your quote, an original quote and I will pick my three favorite ones.

All three winners will receive SBI, it may be equal or I may decide to give a little more to my favorite quote... But only one will be featured in every single posts I write on my personal page (@SenorCoconut) for the whole month!


Sigils To Recieve Help from the Earth's Elemental Spirits...

The other day, we noticed that there were some wild cats living under my boyfriend's house... he said, "What are we going to do about those cats?" - We are recovering from a car accident and the last thing I can think of doing at this moment is trying to save some cats... so instead - I utilized the 4-Point Coning Technique created by Michealle Small-Wright and put forth for free by Theresa Crabtree, and called in the Cat Diva and Pan and the Archangel Uriel -and asked them to take care of the cats -

(This information was brought forward by Findhorn and the people who stumbled upon the earth energies there in the 60s - and there are many wonderful books which explain how they received help from the Elemental Spirits of Nature: The Magic of Findhorn by Paul Hawken, Dorothy G. Maclean books, etc

The cats are gone - somewhere safe I am sure - and so, it is as a result of that, that I would like to repost some Sigils I made to contact the Sylphs and the Undines for help with our environmantal crisis.

I am going to share also, a link to How to Contact Nature Spirits and How to Do A 4-Point Coning that are provided by Theresa Crabtree...


How Much Should We Pay To Be Healed?

There are a lot of retreats happening in and around where I live. Every time I go into town there are flyers put up advertising the different retreats that are about to take place. There is everything from yoga retreats, raw food , ayahuasca, chakra opening , estatic dance and lots more that I have forgotten. But the one thing they all have in common is that they are expensive.

and finally!

Radical Self Acceptance -- An Essential Skill in Life


You are different.
You do not fit the mold.
You are ... perfectly you.

Radical Self Acceptance

choosing to accept yourself regardless of situation or circumstance.

I have been practicing this for a while now and it is powerful.


Waking Up with the World Mostly Still Asleep...

Ever wonder how much effort is put into keeping the world asleep? I am not referring to a type sleep that keeps us from a spiritual awakening - I am actually referring to a true conscious awakening of humanity realizing they are under mind control. Until rather recently I did not view life this way. I did not want to believe that an effort was being applied against human kind to suppress them and keep them inside of certain type of "systems." I now realize how much of the planet is under a "mind-control" of sorts, and often asleep and tuned out to this reality.

The 8 Pillars of @TribeSteemUp


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Make The World A Better Place

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