My borrowed daughter

When we attend health classes at school, they teach us that "the family is the basis of society" and the family ties between two or more people who were related at first and exclusively through blood begin to break down, but with the passage of time and due to the dynamics of today's society, this concept has been diversified and expanded to give way to new real challenges in our daily lives.

I share with you a chronicle of the real life of two adults who converged their lives in a story of furtive love with the illusions that a couple of young people can have at 25 years of age.

The year 2000 had already begun and the anxiety to know what the new century had in store, marked by the omens of the end of the world, did not leave much room to worry about the long-term future but to live in the moment, thus an emotional relationship begins between 2 university students at the end of their studies and in a celebration environment in a city bar.

After 5 years of loving encounters and high passion, the unexpected but inevitable moment arrived, between flashes of joy and diverse emotions, the news that a new being was beginning to develop inside her and the product of a "love story" that we agreed to maintain despite any circumstance.

The little girl was already 12 years old and the relationship was very stable between all of us, but due to issues of fate and economic situation we separated momentarily with the hope of a family reunification in a short time.

Her mother also had to move away from her to seek economic sustainability in another country and there the family collapse began resoundingly. On the one hand, I did not achieve financial stability for the reunification, she found a new partner who offered her economic and sentimental comfort in another country, with the possibility of fulfilling the American dream of any Latin American with a lack of opportunities in their country of origin or perhaps to get on the same level as other friends who had already achieved it in the United States of America.

The girl, who was about to turn 15, was already immersed in "her own life" with her dreams and goals already set that separated us more and more every day. On the day of her 15th birthday celebration, I had the illusion of being present through a video call. The father is not physically present here today, but he will dance part of the traditional 15th birthday waltz, I imagined it like that. However, it did not happen this way and I was able to hold on to the idea that it did not happen because we did not plan it. That is what I wanted to believe, but my heart had already been warning me for a few months: we are no longer family.

Here I begin to understand that the members of a family are not basically united by blood ties, as it is usually defined that the daughter and her sisters have the same blood as the mother and father, but that other family ties must prevail such as: unconditional love, economic and emotional responsibility, respect and consideration, dedication and shared time, honesty and direct communication between all members of the main family (father, mother and children).

Incredibly, in just 2 years the father-daughter relationship had already diminished, and in 1 more year it was already verified that we had a distance with very little chance of reversing, without taking into account the "mother" factor, who was also planning her private life in parallel with another person who offered her greater financial and emotional stability.

In short, they are both at the North Pole, living the American dream and my daughter has already gone 30 days without communicating with me despite the fact that she publishes a daily photograph on her social networks of the tourist wonders she visits, demonstrating the lack of interest she feels for one of the two "beings who gave her life" and who during the first 12 years of her life was intermittently in her transit through this life that we had to live.

That is why I have titled it "My borrowed daughter", to refer to the fact that each one of us is the owner of his own life and his destiny will be framed within the actions that we take with correct or incorrect decisions, according to the situations that are presented to us day by day. Freedom is an uncontrollable source of actions that may seem good or bad to us, but no other person will have absolute control over those actions. As a thinking and acting being, one is capable of discerning between one and the other, so if it does not occur to you to make a call or send at least a message, it is a clear and unequivocal sign that there is no longer any family bond, no family link and perhaps it is just a story that ended without a full stop.

Image created with Artificial Intelligence @pixlr
Story based on real life

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