2000-10-10 - STS-92 (100) scrubbed

Launch attempt of the Space Shuttle Discovery. Unfortunately, the launch was scrubbed at 6:25 p.m. due to the discovery at around the T-minus 3 hour mark of a pin, typically used to secure handrails at the launch pad, that was lodged on a strut connecting the orbiter and the External Tank. The launch the following night was awesome though.

I live close enough to see launches from Kennedy Space Center from my backyard. If I want to get a little closer, I can drive out to the beach. If I want to get a lot closer, I can go to the beach and drive 20-30 minutes north on A1A. I think this was the only time I paid for the ticket to go to the launch viewing area on KSC property. Unfortunately, the launch was scrubbed on this occasion. Fortunately, the ticket is good for the launch of this mission, whenever it occurs. I got to see the launch the next day.

This video was taken on the bus on the way back to the visitor's center after the launch was scrubbed. It was recorded by me and is hosted at Daily Motion here: https://dai.ly/x7c6bkg

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