Only source goods and products from quality suppliers (9 tips to find quality suppliers)


It is very tempting to focus solely on price when sourcing new products to sell online. We really recommend not doing this. Yes, price is important, but so is quality for money.

If you source a high-quality product at an affordable price you will be able to build up a very happy customer base that over time will come to trust your brand. You may not be able to compete with some large competitors (price-wise) in your niche, but you may be able to compete in quality.

Not to mention that if your products and goods are of high quality you will find fewer customers asking for refunds and giving you poor reviews online.

You may be pleasantly surprised that charging a slightly higher price for quality items really can help you become more profitable over time than if you offer sub-pare items. This is a win/win for you and your customers!

9 tips to help you find quality suppliers in your niche

1 Look at your supplier’s quality certifications

Have a chat with them and see what they offer to help you decide if they offer the quality you and your customers will expect.

2 Supply chain

Some supply chains may be more unreliable and quality may be lower than others. Also, factor in any possible political problems that might affect your supply chain.

3 Solvency

You need to be sure that your supplier is established and will not go out of business taking your money with them.

4 Diversify

Where possible, look to have both local and international suppliers. Look at the costs of shipping your products to you and the reliability factor. You need to have a plan if your best-selling products suddenly become hard to get.

5 Review product information

Look at the products with a fine-tooth comb. Detailed product descriptions, ingredients, and related information will help you make a more informed decision.

6 Quantity

Try and find a supplier that will supply both small quantity and high-volume orders.

7 Customer service

You should only work with suppliers that are really on-point when it comes to helping you and answering questions. They should always be easy to contact when you need them.

8 Delivery times

Make sure your supplier is efficient. That they record every aspect of their supply chain to you and can deliver on time, regularly at an affordable price.

9 Payment

Find a supplier with great payment terms. Over time negotiate better terms with your supplier and free up some of your working capital.

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