Thinking in a corner: 2024 plans

Season's Greetings,

Each and every day is alike one another, though we make some special for reasons well known to us. The year 2023 came around, did its best and handed over to 2024. Being alive, healthy and still having those that matters around is a gift to be grateful for.


​​​​In the beginning, ...

Starting the year with leftover goals from the previous year, hoping to improve some and add a few more as the year progresses.
I have been self-tutoring some skills which includes web development for more than a year now and it has not been as easy as I expected. Started out as something to learn for the fun of it and now trying to build more important projects made me think to learn further and deeper.

For the year, I intend to:

Learn the basics properly:

Looking back, I skipped quite a lot of basic knowledge. Wanting to see results made me jump into making anything that works and then learning whatever made it work. It is probably my style of learning, but it hurts not to try doing it properly too.

Build a portfolio:

This is a need if one is to make a living from digital skills. I do hope to build a few solid projects and work my way up from there.

Network with other people:

Networking does help to find opportunities, keep up to date and get feedbacks on one's work. I suck a lot at this actually and been making serious efforts at working with other people. Recently tried co-working on a project and well, it wasn't that bad. That's hopefully a start to getting better at this.

...Halfway through...

The prompt from the thinker's corner contest by @kenechukwu97 on how I would react if my plans for the year are not working out midway got me thinking.
Plans failing to yield expected results or having insignificant progress is not always a bad thing. Something could have gone wrong or missing and require taking a step back to assess whatever that is and then make necessary adjustments.
I remember one of my attempts at scripting a bot for a discord game; starting with a well-thought-out plan, getting stuck with no visible progress midway, changing orientation and then ending up with a much better one than originally planned.
Thus, my reaction if my attempts to achieve my goals for the year are yielding uninspiring results is to stay positive, stay focused and keep moving forward. Life is full of setbacks and hitting a setback is a chance at new opportunities and growth, giving you the urge to find a silver lining.

...The end

Always remember that you are amazing and capable of doing great things. Follow your heart and live your best life.


Images are mine unless stated otherwise with respective sources.
Graphics made on Canva with Bitmoji integration.
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