What is a dowser................

A dowser is a person who traditionally with the use of simple tools, can ascertain the location, strength, and other attributes of a target. Generally, dowsers are employed to find water. A good dowser can tell you how deep the water is, how much water is there, if it is potable, and unique charactistics of that water. Water is the bread and butter of dowsing, but dowsing can be used in many more ways.

My own experience has given me a very broad band of applications using the dowsing system. I have been called upon to find many things. My path had winded through the healing arts, soil management, beekeeping and building. It has been a 40 year journey into the invisible world made tangible by dowsing. To me it is a skill that renders a color picture from a black and white world. It equalizes the unknown factors in a situation so you can make better decisions and have a better understanding of the animals, land, and water, that make up your world. I have been called upon to find well water, buried electrical lines, missing animals, missing persons, minerals, health issues and a whole lot more. I take the art of dowsing very seriously and have devoted most of my adult life to training my mind and exploring the invisible. I have been blessed with an incredible array of opportunities working with technology, and scientists to verify this talent.

I feel compelled to utilize this format to share with others who are bring in a new paragdyn of human earth relationships. Dowsing is a available to anyone who would spend the necessary time to learn the system and mostly learn how to control their mind. It is a large territory, and I by no means, seek to limit or impinge upon your instincts, but rather, share my journey and experiences so that you might have a better understanding of dowsing.

Additional insights to my dowsing work is based on geology, the energetic healing arts including acupuncture and kneisology, working for mineral, well drilling companies, and law enforcement. I have a special place in my heart for Apis Melifera (Honey Bees) and have developed an interesting way to use the dowsing system for beekeeping.

I will share my insights on the invisible anatomy of the planet and life forms and perhaps this will help you to gain a more balanced understanding how the whole thing works and inter communicates.
I hope that this suffices as an introduction and has wetted your curiosity.

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