Dog-sitting (picking shit up) for a week!

An early start today and a couple of hours driving as my mother is visiting family, and I'm dog sitting....


And so whilst this lovely pooch named Scruffy takes a nap after her beach visit this morning, I can write a little post which will hopefully calm my mum down after the stress and distress of flying and leaving your dog for a week.

I had to leave the dog in the car this morning whilst I escorted mother to the bag drop and then to the area for those requiring assistance of some kind. It's really just the stairs up to the plane that my mum needs help with, but hopefully she was shuttled through the airport with some of the other 10 or so folks needing a hand. A quick pee, goodbye, and run back to the car meant I'd missed the 15 minutes free parking - 2 euros and 10 cents is better than being caught short I reckon.

Home before 11 am means 2nd breakfast, right? That's what I did anyway. The dog hasn't had anything apart from water yet, but I guess she's just settling in, or not hungry!

We've already been to the beach today....




Which Scruffy loves! She's also been swimming with me in the past, but we'll not be doing any of that this week.

During the low season here - 1st November to 31st March, dogs are allowed on the sandy beaches as well as the rockier/seaweedy types, which are good to go all year round. That's pretty cool (as long as owners pick their dogs shit up) because Magaluf beach is about a kilometer long which gives everyone plenty of space - including Scruffy and I.

Scruff, who is about 8 I think, isn't so well trained and so will chase cats and is unpredictable around dogs - the beach is the only place I'd consider letting her off the lead. Here I can keep a lookout for other dogs and stick the lead on before she gets chance to go make friends. It's been five or so years since we've had a race, I didn't stand a chance then but today I think it'd be a much closer.

Five and a half years ago, Scruff and my mum were present in another post

Ohhh, hasn't she changed?!

Back to the present moment where I can see the Sea, and hear both the Sea and a dog sleeping next to me.

About 30 minutes ago - head out of her bed?


Fifteen minutes ago - getting closer...


And an exceptional opportunity to show off the socks n sandals 💪

Hi Mum, Scruff is sleeping on the settee next to my thigh. I'm taking this as a sign that she likes me.

No food as yet, but I'm sure she'll eat when hungry!

2 Poos on the beach - good job there were 2 bags attached to the lead!

We'll be heading out again in a bit and before bed for any other business.

Hope your flight was OK and you weren't the annoying person sleeping on the person next door's shoulder!


I guess we'll go out again whilst the sun is shining. Have a good weekend all!


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