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dMania back online

Some users from the community urged me to bring dMania back online. The user who convinced me was @prc. He is a great guy and the developer behind DSound. You should give DSound a try. It's a great project. Vote for @prc as witness as well.

Not much has changed since I created my last post. I don't agree with the things that are going on on Steem. I don't agree at all with the curation and reward distribution on Steem. It doesn't work at all and the completely wrong people get most of the rewards. That should be obvious to most users on Steem.
Vote selling still completely dominates the platform. Until those issues are not addressed, I don't see any future for Steem.

By bringing dMania back I am taking a new approach to the project. I am bringing it back primarily as a test and development environment. I will only focus only on developing features, nothing else. That's what I did at the beginning and the high rewards and delegations just distracted me from my initial goal, creating a great meme platform.
That said I don't care who gets rewarded or how much they get. The Steem curation and reward system doesn't work. I tried to fix the reward system by building another one on top of it. That didn't work out. That is something that has to be fixed on blockchain level. App developers shouldn't be involved in the distribution of the rewards.

Use dMania if you like it, otherwise don't. I am not going to promote dMania anymore. I am not trying to collect more delegations. I will keep the bot and curation system for now. It is the best system I could come up with. I tried it to make it as fair as possible for all users. I won't change it anymore and try to fix the broken curation on Steem. That's just a waste of time. I will only work on new features.

The Discord server stays down for now as well. 80% of the users just asked for upvotes anyway on the Discord. I don't have time for stuff like that. Maybe I will create another one at some point.
I won't post or promote new features on Steemit. I will just release them. Most of my posts on Steemit get flagged to oblivion anyway.

So for the people who like dMania, have fun with the platform. The high rewards are gone and that will make a lot of things easier and more relaxed. With all the distractions gone I will be able to release new features a lot faster. In the upcoming months I will try to make dMania as good as possible and create a great platform that can compete with existing meme platforms out there.

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