Time-lapse colored pencils - The myths about being an Artist


Hello everybody! Today's I'm going to be talking about different myths about being an artist. This is myths that I see a lot of people think it true.

The first one which is that being an artist isn't really a real job and I feel like a lot of people have this sort of idea that being an artist is just a dream job and a fantasy and isn't really a realistic career path and it isn't a stable career I think this is particularly evident in younger people they get discouraged away from doing an art career by people like the teachers or even their parents because people don't really see it as being some sort of successful realistic career goal and so they stay younger people into having more stable conventional career paths. I think nowadays it has become so different, with online and the fact that you can reach a worldwide audience through social media. That's the kind of myths that go around being an artist and the starving artist idea and no longer exists because we have such a large audience that we can reach so I definitely think being an artist is a real job and it is a stable career that you can build. I think another reason why people think it's not really a real job is that being an artist is seen as something that's just fun being an artist she just gets a paint and draws all day so how can that really be a job, surely it's more like a hobby. I think that's so untrue why would you want to wake up every single day and spend hours doing your job for years of your life that you don't enjoy so being an artist is just a job that you can also really love doing.

The second one is where you have to be naturally talented to be an artist and if you're not born with this sort of artistic talents then you can't go and pursue art as a career and this again is definitely not true being an artist isn't a talent. I feel like the word talent diminishes all of the hard work that an artist puts in to get to the level that they are. Being an artist is definitely a skill and perfecting your drawing and painting skills takes many years and a lot of patience and hard work to get to the level where you can be a professional artist and start making a career out of it.

The third one surrounds the whole idea of being a starving artist so a lot of people think that if you're an artist then you must be living very poorly, you can't really afford much to eat and there's this whole persona that being an artist also means that you're not very
wealthy or to the other extreme you are the person that's selling your art for millions.
So either you're poor or you're really wealthy but there is that middle ground you can earn a very nice stable living being an artist. You may not earn millions from each piece of painting but you can a normal kind of successful wage from being an artist just like any other career path. To do this you can't just be the person that's making all the art you've got to also have that business mind too. You need to know how to market and advertise yourself and promote your work so definitely need a business skill in order to be a successful artist.

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The winner of my last post is @gustavoadolfodca

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