Steemit Monthaversary, DLive Introduction, & Tips for Steemit Newbies


Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! Among many other reasons (as you will read below) I am excited to introduce myself to everyone on the DLive platform!!

I noticed that many people did posts celebrating their first month on Steemit and since I like to jump on every opportunity I can to thank you all, I wanted to do my monthaversary post.

In honor of my month milestone, I wanted to try out the @DLive platform since I have heard nothing but great things about it. I will be sure to give you an update of what I think as I get going on actual live streams as I do plan to utilize this platform a lot. I'll be posting live Q & A sessions about crypto, fitness, nutrition and anything else you all want to know about me. Stay tuned for those!

I can honestly say that I had NO IDEA that Steemit would be as welcoming as it has been. In my 2nd video I ever made, the topic was on gratitude simply because I am so thankful for all of you. Anyone that has read my post or watched my videos... THANK YOU. Truly. You can spend your day doing anything and you took a second to watch my content and that means a lot to me.

I have over 800 followers in my first month which is insane and more than I could ever have anticipated! To be honest, that is why you will see me apologize often for not posting every day, since I feel guilty because you all are interested in what I have to say.

In my first month I have:

  • Met some amazing people who have showed me the ropes on here
  • Engaged in more conversations than I feel I have in my entire lifetime
  • Put myself out of my comfort zone by joining and posting videos (something I had never done before Steemit/@DTube)
  • Read great content ranging from people's stories about where they are from to learning even more about crypto
  • Made a post that sparked a lot of conversation (which meant it was my first post with both good and bad opinions...mostly good though)
  • Joined a few Discord chats that make me feel like I am even more a part of the Steemit/Crypto community

One of the questions I get asked often on posts is how I got a large following so quickly and what tips I have for beginners. Truthfully, I am amazed and baffled by my following and simply just grateful. However, I do have some tips for those out there that may help guide them in the right direction:

Tip #1: Be Authentic and Genuine

I overcame my fear of being on camera primarily because I wanted to be more than just words on your screen. I wanted you all to know me and understand my personality. I say "Um", I mess up my words, and my videos aren't edited the best, but you all get to see that I am not trying to be anyone other than myself. I recommend that all of you make videos about topics that you LOVE, not just something that you think will make a quick buck on here. I do believe that there is an audience for everything, so just keep posting and have fun!

Tip #2: Reply to Comments and Engage with Others

On my first few posts, I would spend hours responding to everyone's comments. I couldn't believe that people were commenting on my post and the fact that they took the time to say something to me, well I wanted to do the same back. Even my post about why I think more women should get involved in crypto... that took me a lonngggggg time to reply but I was simply grateful so many people wanted to engage and share their opinions on the matter. The relationships are the best part of Steemit so make friends, reply, and comment on other's posts!

Tip 3: Take the Time to Plan Out What You Want to Write

Maybe this is just me, but I need some type of outline of what I want to write about and what my goal is for a particular post. As you'll often hear, QUALITY over QUANTITY is huge with content creation. Write in your own voice and you don't need to make it perfect, but you should a good flow to your words.

Those are just some quick tips, but the biggest one is really just to have fun on here! Don't stress over how much a post is making, just post because you want to share what you have to say with the world. Remember that the community here is friendly. :)

Thanks again to everyone here and I hope all my followers see this post! You all rock!

Sincerely, Audrey

My video is at DLive

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