Daily Discussion No. 10: Where Do Your Beliefs COME From? Interactive Exercise!

Welcome to another edition of "Daily Discussion," a community engagement initiative I started some months back, designed to stimulate more interaction and engagement on Steemit.

Close-up of red poppy

I suppose many of us have been warned to not talk about certain "controversial" topics like religion, money, politics, family relations and raising children. These are often "hot button" topics that can quickly lead to raised voices, flaring tempers and hurt feelings. 

One of the very reasons I largely left Facebook was precisely a lack of cordiality and respect, during the numerous political discussions that went on during the 2016 US Presidental election campaigns. Most people seemed unable and unwilling to discuss, resorting instead to mudslinging and name calling.

And no, I don't care "who started it!"

Objectivity vs Feelings

The trouble, it seems, arises because these subjects are (usually) largely based on beliefs rather than observable facts, or data. And, as human beings, we (ironically) tend to be more attached the the SUBjective (beliefs and opinions) than the OBjective (facts).

Green frog

But I am digressing.

This morning I was reading some profiles and forums back on Ye Olde Book of Farce... and got to thinking about people and their "closely held" beliefs. 

And so, I decided I wanted to open "Pandora's Box"-- at least a LITTLE-- by examining the topic of "beliefs.

Now, I'd like to make it perfectly clear that for the purposes of this discussion, I am not limiting this to religious or spiritual beliefs. I'm talking pretty much ALL beliefs, here... because we all believe something-- about politics, patriotism, money management, child care or whatever.

Not WHAT, but WHERE did it Come From?

I'm not going to get out in the messy territory of what you believe and why you believe it... I'm just interested in where your beliefs come from.

Desert flowers

Please read that sentence again; just to make sure you understand what I am truly asking.

For example, maybe you believe in God, maybe you don't. Maybe you're a Catholic, maybe you're a Buddhist, maybe you're Wiccan. I'm not expecting you to "defend" your belief, but instead I want to know how did you arrive at what you believe in? Where did your beliefs come from? Personal study? A family tradition? A life-changing experience? There are LOTS of possibilities!

For example, some people's beliefs are the result of their "having an experience;" they literally "experienced God." 

Others hold beliefs because they were taught by their family-- it is what was "handed down" and has always been "in the family." 

Grasses in the late sunset

For example, I was born in Denmark, where 85%+ of the population are Lutheran... so it's just "automatically assumed" that you're Lutheran. But actually, I am not-- what I "believe" (or base my life on) is actually an amalgam of dozens of belief systems that have crossed my paths during some 40-some years as an adult.

If you look at political beliefs, sometimes people have them for the purpose of "community," more than anything-- they simply choose to be part of the fellowship of a majority.

Some people's beliefs are uniquely their own; some are almost true carbon copies of a very specific ordained doctrine.

Let's Discuss! There are no right or wrong answers here; also no judgment! But when you sit back and consider what you believe in various areas of your life... where did those beliefs originate? Are those beliefs flexible with potential for change, or are they cast in stone? How do you feel in the presence of beliefs quite different from your own? At peace? Uneasy? Like you need to defend yourself? Something else? Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- be part of the conversation!

To learn more about the Daily Discussion initiative, please visit the Introductory Post for a full description and participation guidelines.   

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(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Created at 180116 19:45 PST

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