Hive As A Black Box - Operations


In these posts I try looking at Hive as a black box.
I keep poking at it, to get some better insight on how it works.

Hive Ops

Heard on the street: Hive has ops.
Virtual ops on the block.
I investigate. ๐Ÿ˜Ž


I've demonstrated how it should be possible to build a whole game engine around block_ap.get_block_range, by just looking at all operations in a live stream.

import requests

def get_block_range(start, count, url):
    data = '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"block_api.get_block_range","params":{"starting_block_num":'+str(start)+',"count": '+str(count)+'},"id":1}'
    return, data)

Same 'api' as before. Returns the response raw.

  • get_ops:
def get_ops_with_block_range(start, count, url):
    response = api.get_block_range(start, count, url)
    blocks = response.json()['result']['blocks']
    ops = []
    for block in blocks:
        for transaction in block['transactions']:            
            for operation in transaction['operations']:                
    return ops

Operations are in transactions, transactions are in blocks.
I need to iterate through that nest to collect all ops.


condenser_api.get_ops_in_block can also return ops.

  • api:
def condenser_get_ops_in_block(block, url, only_virtual):
    data = '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"condenser_api.get_ops_in_block", "params":['+str(block)+','+only_virtual+'], "id":1}'
    return, data)  
  • get_ops:
def get_ops_with_condenser(num, url, only_virtual= 'false'):
    response = api.condenser_get_ops_in_block(num, url, only_virtual)
    ops = response.json()['result']
    return ops

That should return the same ops as with block_api get_ops...


import time

url = ''
print(len(get_ops_with_block_range(89040499, 1, url)))
print(len(get_ops_with_condenser(89040499, url)))



Virtual Operations

There is a difference of 52.

You can read more on virtual operations in the documentation. btw: the examples there don't really work ๐Ÿ™„, but:

Virtual operations (curation rewards, etc) are derived from blockchain activity, but arenโ€™t actually stored as operations themselves. They happen based on consensus from the blockchain based on other user initiated operations. These virtual operations are NOT available on the head block, so a 100% live feed of this information would not be possible. In order then to follow these operations you would have to stream the last_irreversible_block. To get a feed of virtual operations, each of the block transactions needs to be investigated for the type of the operations.

I would explain it more like this:

'Normal' operations are user operations. They are explicit.
They need to be signed and broadcast by a user: Alice makes a post.
Virtual operations are implicit: When Alice makes a post, determines when the post payout will be.
Post and curation rewards must happen exactly 7 day later and are accounted for as virtual operations.

But this is just a coding adventure, not a guide...


print(len(get_ops_with_condenser(89040499, url, only_virtual = 'true')))
>> 52


In more practical terms, the best endpoint I could find to get to virtual operations:
I think account_history plugin (not api) must be activated on all nodes by default...
Information behind all of this is scarce...

def account_history_enum_virtual_ops(start, stop, url):
    data = '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"account_history_api.enum_virtual_ops", "params":{"block_range_begin":'+str(start)+',"block_range_end":'+str(stop)+'}, "id":1}'
    return, data) 
  • get_ops:
def get_ops_with_enum(start, stop, url):
    response = api.account_history_enum_virtual_ops(start, stop, url)
    return response.json()['result']['ops']

Once again, the documentation is wrong.
The ['ops'] is important, as the response actually looks like this:


'next' is used with 'limit' for pagination.
Anyways, after navigating to 'ops':

print(len(get_ops_with_enum(89040499, 89040500, url)))
>> 52


If you actually visited the links from above, you probably noticed reversibility being mentioned.
In the documentation there are parts about head block and such.
Blocks used to be reversible for 1 minute.
That was an issue. The HAF has a huge module 'fork manager' to deal with reversibility.
But the Hive protocol got updated and blocks are kind of insta-irreversible now.
...for this post I am just hacking away at operations. I don't understand it well enough to try explaining things, but I'll investigate further...


There's more to it, than just looking at blocks.
Virtual operations are not accessible by block_api.
In terms of automating something: If all you ever need is user operations, streaming block_api could be reliable enough. Virtual ops are mostly dealing with delayed things like posting rewards - depending on what you want to build, it could matter...

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