A cohesive alternative explanation.

So we have the establishment narrative, which is in bad shape.

Too many questions unanswered (or answered with violence), too many credible figureheads breaking ranks and risking it all to speak out.
Too many friends of friends suffering side effects after getting the shot; only to find themselves ignored, wondering how many others aren't being added to the stats.

The counter-narrative has struggled, too.
"Something's wrong" isn't enough; many need a cohesive, self contained alternative before weighing up the possibilities and deciding where they stand.

A vs B is more compelling than A vs not-A.

You find a stranger in your house at 2am, you know there's something amiss; even if you don't know exactly what he's planning.
There are a range of possibilities, none of them good.

So what's the master plan here? The alternative explanation for what we're seeing.

Some people think its a money grab, others that it's a power grab; some think it's incompetence amplified; others that its part of a depopulation agenda.

One big sticking point with the depop theory, is that they'd be murdering or sterilising the obedient, compliant people; leaving the unruly renegades behind and risking retaliation.
The assumption being that if you want power over people, you'd want to remove the people who are difficult to rule, and keep the ones who are easy.
Previous culls have been about getting rid of the intellectual/creative people, to avoid threats; and to keep the hassle-free labourers to work the fields, etc.

What if everything's changed with the profliferation of automation? What if this whole exercise is about being rid of those who are most easily replaced with code/bots?

To have them self select; by issuing a series of commands.

Wear mask,
Social distance,
Scan the code,
Book in for the jab,
Get the jab,
Get the second,
Get the booster,
Wave your vaxpass, etc

Those who can be most readily replaced by bots (which follow a sequence of instructions); those who see the value they bring to society as their ability and willingness to follow a series of commands, they follow instructions and self select to be removed from the gene pool.



"Just get the shot, it's not that hard"
"If you want to go to the shops, just wear a mask"
"I'm doing what I'm told for the good of society"
"Just accept the program like I have."

The people who are most creative, (those able to imagine and entertain an alternative to a scenario they've been presented); and see their contribution to society being their ability to think differently; they'll smell a rat and decline; keeping themselves and their children in the game, to continue creating, problem solving, and moving humanity forward.

It's a lot easier to train compliance into our inquisitive grandchildren, than to breed intelligence and creativity back into a population which has already been selected for compliance.

Last century, Pol Pot and friends culled the problematic minds and kept the strong bodies; but the creeps at the top now have unlimited cheap labour from machines.

What if this time around they're culling the NPCs and keeping the minds?


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